必应词典为您提供high-cycle的释义,adj. 高频的; n. 高频的; 网络释义: 高周次;快速循环;
high cycle 美 英 un.高周波 网络高循环;高周期 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 高周波 释义: 全部,高周波,高循环,高周期
High-Current Model high-current rectifier High-Current Relativistic Electron Beam high-current switch High-cut filter High-cut filter High-cut filter High-cut filter high-cycle fatigue High-Data-Rate Wireless Personal Area Network High-Deductible Health Care Plans ...
美 英 un.高周疲劳 网络高循环疲劳 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 高周疲劳 例句 释义: 全部,高周疲劳,高循环疲劳
This paper focuses on the study of structural high-cycle fatigue problems commonly encountered in engineering and presents a fatigue-constrained isogeometric topology optimization (FCITO) method. First, the isogeometric analysis (IGA) framework for high-cycle fatigue problems is outlined. On this basis...
high cycle fatigue 高周疲劳 high pressure extraction cycle 高压回热循环 fatique testing at elevated temperature 高温疲劳试验 cycle on phr. 轮回速率 cycle by cycle device 逐周装置 high on v.热衷于 be high on 爱好,热衷于 as high as adj.达到,高达 相似...
High-Cycle Fatigue In subject area: Materials Science High cycle fatigue is a type of fatigue caused by small elastic strains under a high number of load cycles before failure occurs. From: Diesel Engine System Design, 2013 About this pageSet alert Also in subject areas: Engineering Physics and...
高周疲劳试验超高频电液伺服疲劳试验机 | 高周疲劳(high-cycle fatigue)是指材料在低于其屈服强度的循环应力作用下,经10000-100000 以上循环次数而产生的疲劳。高周疲劳的特点是作用于零件或构件的应力水平较低。如弹簧、传动轴等零件或构件的疲劳即属此类。
High-cyclenotchsensitivityofalloysteelASTMA743CA6NMusedinhydrogenatorturbinecomponents BraitnerLobatodaSilva,JorgeLuizdeAlmeidaFerreira,JoséAlexanderAraújoFederalUniversityofBrasília,MechanicalEngineeringDepartment,CampusUniversitárioDarcyRibeiro,Brasília(Brazil)70940-910.lobatoae@gmail.br,jorge@unb.br,alex07@unb...
HCV High-cycle Bellows Vacuum Isolation Valves are small vacuum valves expressly designed for long life in demanding applications. The HCV isolation valve has a small profile, is light, low in cost and is easy to maintain. The HCV valve can be purchased with a high conductance stainless body ...