The meaning of HIGH WYCOMBE is town in Buckinghamshire, southeast central England, west-northwest of London population 60,516.
also in METΔ7–8tumors. We formally cannot exclude that the wild-type MET amplicons in our PCR derive from ‘contaminating’ non-neoplastic stromal cells in the tumor biopsies that were tested. There may,
for 10 min at 4 °C, and the separated plasma analysed using an Olympus AU400 (High Wycombe, UK). Further information about housing and husbandry, experimental procedures and pipeline quality control performed in the screen can be found in the Supplementary Material. Statistical and ...
For this work, four sets of pesticide standards were purchased from (Thames Restek UK Limited, High Wycombe, United Kingdom): organophosphorus compounds (set 32563 and set 32570), synthetic pyrethroid compounds (set 32568), organonitrogen compounds (set 32567), and organochlorine compounds (set ...
On each specimen, two zones, Z1 and Z2, measuring 360 µm × 360 µm, were selected for EBSD analysis using an Oxford Instrument Symmetry S2 (High Wycombe, UK) and SEM imaging with an FEI Quanta FEG (Hillsboro, OR, USA), both initially and at every interruption step. A sub-micr...