申请(专利权)人: HIGH VOLTAGE ENGINEERING EUROPA B.V.发明人: MDJ Willem 摘要: A single-ended DC linear accelerator for the generation of high-current, high-energy ion beams of H, D or He is disclosed. The accelerator comprises an ion source located in a high-voltage terminal for the ...
Other types of penning ion sources available from High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. are: –The Model SO-60 Cold Cathode Penning ion source –The Model SO-90 Sputter Penning ion source High Voltage Engineering Model SO-55 Model SO-60 Model SO-100 冷阴极离子源 固相离子源 气相离子源 液相...
This paper presents content of the lecture delivered on 27 September, 2011 at the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Institute of High Voltage Engineering and System Management (ISH) and the 55th anniversary of the Test Institution of High Voltage Engineering Graz LLC (VAH) of the Graz Un...
High Voltage Engn Europa BVPodaru, N. CHigh Voltage Engn Europa BVMous, D. J. WHigh Voltage Engn Europa BVJunker, MIst Nazl Fis NuclImbriani, GUniv Napoli Federico IIRigato, VIst Nazl Fis NuclNuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials ...
(redirected fromHigh voltage direct current) Acronyms high-voltage direct current [′hī ¦vōl·tij di¦rekt ′kə·rənt] (electricity) A long-distance direct-current power transmission system that uses direct-current voltages up to about 1 megavolt to keep transmission losses down. Abbr...
Passive solar membrane distillation (MD) is an emerging technology to alleviate water scarcity. Recently, its performance has been enhanced by multistage design, though the gains are marginal due to constrained temperature and vapor pressure gradients across the device. This makes condenser cooling enhan...
https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/databrowser/view/ENV_WASGEN__custom_2112107/default/table?lang=en. Google Scholar [15] S.A. Miller, A. Horvath, P.J.M. Monteiro Readily implementable techniques can cut annual CO2 emissions from the production of concrete by over 20% Environ. Res. Lett.,...
European Commission. CO2https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/transport/vehicles/regulation_en#tab-0-2. Holroyd, N. J. H. & Scamans, G. M. Crack propagation during sustained-load cracking of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloys exposed to moist air or distilled water.Metall. Mater.Trans. A42, 39...
Europe's HSR network in general—rely on what has become a key EU-wide principle of high- speed rail: interoperability.4 1 Annex I, Council Directive 96/48/EC of 23 July 1996 on the interop- erability of the trans-European high-speed rail system, at http:// eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUr...
Application Number: 16/439817 Publication Date: 12/19/2019 Filing Date: 06/13/2019 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: High Voltage Engineering Europa B.V. (Amersfoort, NL) International Classes: H01J49/00;H01J49/30 ...