Individual cardiomyocytes are of the order of a few tens of microns in dimension, and the path and velocity of conduction is known to be dictated by their orientation21. Depiction of 3D cellular alignment, therefore, should ideally be generated from image data as close as possible to this ...
The walls were modelled as “no slip” walls, which made a rotating movement of 30° in 0.222 s, with a top velocity of 250°/s. This corresponds to the natural human head movements during active everyday activities, such as sprinting, jumping forward, and running in the woods44,45....
Highway Engineering Contents Measurement and Back-Calculation of Effective Thermal Conductivity of Unbound Aggregates ... 17 DIC Technique to Investigate Self-Healing Properties of Ferrite-Filled Open-Graded Friction Course (OGFC) Asphalt Mixture ......
Lo-G, low gamma; Hi-G, high gamma; pos-x, x position; vel-x, velocity in x position; vel-y, velocity in y position. (C) An example phase synchrony spectrum of a sample trial. Note no synchronized HGI throughout the trial. Same animal ID and recording day ID as in (B). (D)...
b Detonation of 6 g of dynamite in a glass tube 3.7 mm diameter, 50 mm length. The detonation velocity was measured as being about 1700 m/s Full size image Blast Then as now armour and fortifications are subject to attack by blast as well as impact. Although guncotton, a detonating ...
We then set up our experimental conditions close to those in the actual engineering application (high-velocity ug>100 m/s, and small droplet d0<0.2 mm) and we attempt to resolve the time and the spatial dependent droplet size behaviors....
2D plots of the relative amplitudeU/U0of the velocity vector (left) and the phase angle difference between the motion of the plate and the sampleΔδu(right) of a shear wave travelling between two surfaces as a function of frequency, for a 1-mm gap. The bottom surface (z= − 0.00...
mm from the leading edge is 7.3 and 7.1 ± 0.2 mm [17]. If uncertainty is considered, the value ofδis approximately 7 mm for both Mach numbers. The normalized boundary layer profiles, as shown inFigure 3(n≈ 7–11 for the velocity power law), are determined using a Pitot probe and...
Figure 2. Dispersion curves for 3 mm-thick 5A06 aluminum plate: (a) phase velocity; (b) group velocity. The sound waves generated by impact propagate from the impact point in the form of Lamb waves in the plate, and are received by the sensors as the impact signals. When an impact ...
The utility model relates to a high-velocity jet perforator, which is characterized in that in order that the hole diameter of a perforated hole is enlarged, and the perforated depth of the perforated hole is enhanced, the high-velocity jet perforator is composed of a serially energy-collecting...