Our results showed that serine phosphorylation at mTOR site 2454 in the hippocampal tissue of obese mice was reduced, suggesting that inhibition of the mTOR signaling pathway may be critical in inducing synaptic dysfunction and cognitive decline in the hippocampus of obese mice. Phosphatidylinositide-...
As an observer looking in, the US appears to emphasise the “Individual Rights” via “Might is Right” over the “Social Responsibilities” that “like a rising tide lift all well found boats”. It’s funny in a sad way, because the US has moved well beyond the point an individual can...
19 village offices in coastal areas will be functional on 24×7 basis,as per the direction of Kozhikode district collector UV Jose. Three villages in Vatakara Taluk,eight village offices in Koyilandy and Kozhikode Taluk will also open 24 hours to meet emergency situation. Tahsildars are told to...
as many as 16 percent were found to be suffering from poorly controlled diabetes. The incidence of poorly controlled diabetes was found to be the highest (24 per cent of the sample) in the age group of 20-30 years, followed by 30-40 years (about 22 per cent) and 40-50 years (...
Kerala Coast on high tide alert 82% polling in Vatakara and 81% in Kozhikode Voting machine fault reported widely in Kerala LS poll:Good turn out LS poll;Kerala goes to vote on 23 April,2019 Poll to become differently-abled people friendly Kozhikode;poll campaign reaches to zenith ...
the un-grafted epoxy resin grafted Aepsomxeyntrioensiend,ahboovme,otpheoglyramfteedrsporofdmucetsthinacclruydleidc tahceiudna-gnrdaftsetdyerpeonxey, reetsci.n,Tghraefrteedfore, it is neceespsoaxryyretsoins,ehpomaroaptoelyamnderspouf rmifeythtahcreylgicraacftidedanpdrsotydruencets, ettoc...
However, there are no studies about the effects of low-to-moderate exercise on gut microbiota, even less when associated with the previous induction of a high-fat diet (HFD). Both the gut microbiota and exercise have been implicated in obesity [10,26]. However, the effect of controlled ...
It was found that honokiol could promote the browning of white adipose tissue in high-fat fed mice. The AMPK-ACC-CPT1A and C/EBPα-SOAT1 pathways may be the important molecular mechanisms of the browning induced by honokiol. Abstract: Honokiol (HON) is one of the main biological active ...
Froo.a agfu w lmnsilftstafat KtgBuwthegetutncMrrpurvedotidecoihrdanhVrnlr i ae actiiicaa teaafae sctk,laaoiblt tstaelhzsC,s6 pual e tytMo,oa e lsthenhtirsaswhnnyfatwnc ehdeiaa lenetdMaocth oclleye.erdu ma dc oidewcap...