Dose-response curve analysisAn overview over the role and past evolution of High Throughput Screening (HTS) in early drug discovery is given and the different screening phases which are sequentially executed to progressively fildoi:10.1007/978-3-319-23558-5_5Hanspeter Gubler...
ABSTRACT REMLINGER,KATJAS.StatisticalDesignandAnalysisofHighThroughputScreen- ingDataUsingPoolingExperimentsandDataMiningTechniques.(Underthedi- rectionofDr.JacquelineM.Hughes-OliverandDr.S.StanleyYoung.) Discoveryofanewdruginvolvesscreeninglargechemicallibrariestoidentifynew anddiverseactivecompounds.Onlyaverysmall...
The routine use of high-throughput screening (HTS) systems in the drug discovery process has resulted in an increasing need for fast, reliable analysis of massive amounts of data. A new automated multidomain clustering method that thoroughly analyzes screening data sets is used to examine both th...
K-Screen: A Free Application for High Throughput Screening Data Analysis, Visualization, and Laboratory Information Management. K-Screen: a free application for high throughput screening data analysis, visualization, and laboratory information management. Comb Chem High Throughput Screen... Tai,David,...
The U.S. federal consortium on toxicology in the 21st century (Tox21) produces quantitative, high-throughput screening (HTS) data on thousands of chemicals across a wide range of assays covering critical biological targets and cellular pathways. Many of
High throughput screening (HTS) interrogates compound libraries to find those that are “active” in an assay. To better understand compound behavior in HTS, we assessed an existing binomial survivor function (BSF) model of “frequent hitters” using 872
for high-throughput screening Manual data transfer Manual data aggregation makes workflows inefficient and error-prone Lack of data access Inaccessible data complicates the creation of SAR dashboards Inability to use AI Low-quality and disparate datasets are inadequate forin silicomodeling ...
Usingautomaticsystems,micro-platecarriers,Sensitivedetectors,anddataprocessingandcontrolsoftware,HighThroughputScreeningallowsaresearchertoconductmillionsofbiochemical,geneticorpharmacologicaltestsatthesametimeandtorapidlyselectoutwhathewant.3 ThedeviceusedinHTS 4 Component AutomaticsystemSamplelibrarySensitivedetectorsData...
p pBackground/p pThe analysis of high-throughput screening data sets is an expanding field in bioinformatics. High-throughput screens by RNAi generate large primary data sets which need to be analyzed and annotated to identify relevant phenotypic hits. Large-scale RNAi screens are frequently used ...
Generally, high-throughput screening consists of the following four steps: Preparation of samples and compound libraries Establishment of a method suitable for lab automation Configuration of a robotic workstation Acquisition and handling of data Preparation of samples and compound libraries Samples are ...