商标名称 漆侠CEXIA HIGH QUALITY AUTOMOTIVE TOUCH UP PAINT FOR REPAINR OR DECORATE HIGH CLASS AUTOMOTIVELY 国际分类 第02类-颜料油漆 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 7191336 申请日期 2009-02-09 申请人名称(中文) 苏丽兴 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省东莞市虎门镇赤岗南坊六巷16号...
Monotonic and Low Cycle Fatigue Properties 3.1. Monotonic and Low Cycle Fatigue Properties Figure 4 shows the tensile test of Alloy 617, with a strain rate of 5.85 × 10−4/s at 950 ◦C that was firstfidrsotn Fdeioganusera ea rs4e faseh rroeewnf...
radiation damage effects deteriorate the optical performances, such as dark current, temInpoaraClISn,otihsee, raanddiatriaonnddoammtaegleegerfafpehctsndoeisteer[i3o0ra] toerthreesoupltticinaltpheerfgoernmearantcioens, souf cphearms danarekntcuhrortent, tempipxoerla[l3n1,o3i2s]e.,Iatnids kr...
(lBuuffe,hIlLe,r,ULSaAke).BFlourffe,aILch, UteSsAt )p.oFionrt,etahcehtteesstt tpimoienti,s t1h5e ste, swt ittihmae liosa1d5 os,fw15it0hkagloanad oafs1te5p0 ksigzeanodf 1a mstemp.sTizheeotfen1smilemt.eTsthiestceonnsdilue ctetesdt iosncotnhde utecstet dmoanchthinee t(eIsNt ...