The High Strung Free Dance movie tells the story of a dazzling young choreographer who unwittingly ignites a romantic rivalry with his pianist, Charlie when he embraces a stunning contemporary. High Strung Free Dance is now on DVD and VoD!
Home H High Strung LyricsIt is about love. But not just any love. It is about love to what you are doing. A passion to dance. A fervency to make music. A desire to win the contest of your life. But foremost, it is about two supportive persons. But even before that – it is ...
She’s the daughter of Oksana (Jane Seymour), the dance teacher and only carry-over from 2016’s “High Strung.” It’s a formula dance movie that puts minimal effort into deviating from that formula. But every so often, “Free Dance” threatens to take flight — a dish washer at the...
determination. The film's moving performances and stunning choreography make it stand out from the rest, and it leaves a lasting impression on those who watch it. High Strung is a breath of fresh air that inspires, motivates, and uplifts, making it a perfect movie to watch with family and...
Strung like pearls along the Central Coast, San Luis Obispo County’s charming beach towns – from the laid-back surfer’s haven of Cayucos to the artist haven of Cambria – each offer a unique slice of California coastal life, where salty breezes carry the promise of sun-soaked days and...
This is the simplest possible movie -- a bunch of clips strung together on a timeline. But it is a movie nonetheless, and it is 10 times better than raw footage because you have chosen the best parts of the raw footage to assemble on the timeline. To play your movie, you can click ...
Strung like pearls along the Central Coast, San Luis Obispo County’s charming beach towns – from the laid-back surfer’s haven of Cayucos to the artist haven of Cambria – each offer a unique slice of California coastal life, where salty breezes carry the promise of sun-soaked days and...