Yu. P. KorostelevV. I. PribylovaG. A. PigushinaB. I. BeresnevD. K. BulychevKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum PublishersMetal Science & Heat TreatmentLegkodukh et al., Properties of High-Strength Titanium Alloys After Hydrostatic Extrusion, 1976, Metallovedenie I Termcheskaya Obtabotka ...
The trial production of a high temperature and high strength titanium alloy ,Ti 18(Ti 6 Al 4 Mo 4 Zr 2 Sn 1 W 0.2 Si) was introduced, and the relationship between the mechanical properties and microstructure of Ti 18 alloy was discussed. The results show that both the room and the hig...
6) high strength east titanium alloy 高强铸造钛合金补充资料:超高强钛合金 分子式:CAS号:性质:室温拉伸强度超过1400MPa的钛合金。目前这类合金还处于发展阶段,如美国波音公司的研究指标为:室温拉伸强度≥1500MPa;剪切强度≥860MPa;伸长率≥8%;加载应力等于45%室温拉伸强度时的疲劳循环次数不少于10万次;断裂韧性...
HIGH STRENGTH TITANIUM ALLOY AND ITS PRODUCTION 优质文献 相似文献HIGH STRENGTH TITANIUM ALLOY AND ITS PRODUCTION METHOD PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a high strength titanium alloy, its production method and its formed body. K Keizo,小林 慶三,M Akihiro,... ...
6) Wrought titanium alloy 变形钛合金 1. The application of nitrous oxide-ethane flame atomic absorption spectrometry to measure Tin in Wrought titanium alloy is stueide. 提出用N2O-C2H2火焰原子吸收光谱法进行变形钛合金中锡含量的测定。补充资料:高强度钛合金 高强度钛合金 high strength titanium ...
In this paper,the mechanical properties\' impact factors of anew-type high-strength cast aluminum alloywere analyzed by orthogonal experiments. 本论文采用正交实验,对新型高强度铸造铝合金的力学性能影响因子进行分析,确定出最佳的热处理工艺:固溶处理温度550℃,固溶处理时间16h,时效温度150℃,时效时间10h。
This paper summarizes the thermo-mechanical processing methods for high strength β-titanium alloys. The processing methods are evaluated in terms of their effectiveness in reducing the negative effects of continuous α-layers along β-grain boundaries which tend to form in high strength β-titanium ...
titanium alloy is, however, not satisfactory, and required to be improved, in view of mechanical properties such as formability, fatigue strength, elongation and yield strength. Moreover, it has the drawback of having different properties in the rolling direction and in a direction perpendicular ...
The present invention provides a high strength titanium alloy useful as a material for products such as ornaments, products such as ornaments made of the titanium alloy, and a method for producing the products using the titanium alloy as a material. The high strength titanium alloy is capable of...
4) high strength titanium alloy 高强钛合金 例句>> 5) high strength and toughness aluminum alloy 高强高韧铝合金 1. The developments of high strength and toughness aluminum alloy are reviewed in this paper in detail. 对高强高韧铝合金的发展情况进行了全面的评述。