The California Legislature established the California High-Speed Rail Peer Review Group to provide independent analysis of the Authority's planning and implementation efforts. Their documents are submitted to the Legislature as needed. 【参考译文】加利福尼亚立法机构成立了加利福尼亚高速铁路同行评审小组,以...
As California’s high-speed rail projectfaces pushback under a new presidential administration, state leaders on Monday touted its progress to eventually connect Los Angeles to the Bay Area while linking to a high-speed line between Southern California and Las Vegas. Construction for...
The 1,287km California high-speed rail project is being developed to meet the growing demand for travel in the US. The California High-Speed Rail Authority (CHSRA) is the governing body overlooking the project. CHSRA broke ground for the project in Fresno in January 2015. The first 273.6km-...
The California High-Speed Rail project has generated $21.8bn in economic activity after the California High-Speed Rail Authority invested $13bn between July 2006 and June 2024, supporting 109,000 job-years of employment. The figures were released in the latest 2024 Economic Impact Analysis Report,...
California High-Speed RailCalton, Cindy
Dan Richard, chairman of the California High-Speed Rail Authority, which is managing the project, said California would have lost billions of dollars in federal aid if the Senate fails to pass the bill before adjourning Friday for a monthlong recess. California entered a contract that called for...
We can’t keep building freeways and adding more car lanes to solve our transit problems. High-speed rail is a critical infrastructure project that will help California meets its climate goals, while connecting the state in a way that will make it even more competitive in the global economy....
On December 10, 2024, the California High-Speed Rail Authority broke ground on the McKinley Avenue and Golden State Boulevard Grade Separation. The project is located between State Route 99 and West Avenue in Fresno. The overpass will span 402 feet long and be more than 78 feet wide. The ...
High-speed rail The world's slowest bullet train trundles ahead in CaliforniaNe An extra $3bn of federal funding is nice; as for the other $80bn, dream on The central valley of California is a vast expanse of flat farmland, far from the bustling...
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