High Speed Gear is dedicated to building the best 100% American-made, Battle-Proven Tactical Gear. Our products are designed for the highest level of comfort, functionality, and versatility. Satisfaction is guaranteed for all our customers, whether milit
和原版TACO®一样,X2R®可容纳几乎全部类型的弹匣,但双层设计提供了双倍的容量,内置塑料分隔,可将弹匣稳固固定。 弹匣取用时不会发出声音 内面缝有魔术贴毛面,可提供额外的摩擦力 MOLLE版本包含一对模组条,可挂载在MOLLE或PALS挂载面上 腰带版本(ABM)可兼容最宽2.25英寸的腰带 HSGI终生质保,美国制造 NSN:846...
The High Speed Gear Quick Reaction Chest Combo can hold 3 Main Rifle Magazines and 3 Pistol Magazines of your choice.