Netword - August 01, 2009 New York Sun - February 21, 2008 King Syndicate - Thomas Joseph - March 18, 2004 New York Times - March 09, 2003 Washington Post - July 02, 2002Found an answer for the clue High flier that we don't have? Then please submit it to us so we can make th...
Context Clue: “devoid of vegetation or moisture” explains “arid” as dry. 14. Apply Mnemonics Mnemonics are memory aids that make learning fun. Word: “Loquacious” (talkative) Mnemonic: “Loquacious people never stop their conversation loop!” 15. Utilize Vocabulary Websites Subscribe to “Wo...
Butts created a game during the Depression where lettered tiles were assigned points on a crossword puzzle-style grid. Butts came up with names for the game like CrissCross Words and Lexiko before licensing the idea to James Brunot, who called it Scrabble. Sales were fairly abysmal at first...
“we become pretty convinced that we know what reality is: We know who looks down on us, who is above us, exactly who our friends and our enemies are.” The truth of the matter, wrote Holzman, is that we really have no clue. “[W]hat seems like unshakable reality,” she concluded...
Style Invitational Week 157: Clue Us in -- a Backward Crossword (Posted 2016-01-07 16:56:15) ; We Give You the Solution, You Write the Clues. Plus the Winners of Our Paired-Abbrevs. ContestMyers, Pat
Cheltenham Festival/Arts: Why we all love a riddle From the oracles of ancient Greece to the modern cryptic crossword clue, riddles have perplexed and delighted. But why do writers get such pleasure from these obscure brain-teasers?Steven Poole...