A high-side MOSFET gate protection shunt circuit is provided for protecting an output driving transistor (10). The output driving transistor (10) is operable to drive a load (18) on an output node (12). A sense resistor (26) is disposed between the supply voltage terminal and the output...
本发明提供了一种high side高压NMOS控制方法及驱动电路.本发明通过时钟信号处理电路,电荷泵电路,高压NMOS驱动电路设计,在不需要外置Boost电容的条件下,利用电荷泵连续抬高栅极驱动电压,产生驱动高压NMOS的驱动电压,并且可以根据实际需要,改变时钟信号的频率来改变功率管栅极电压抬高的速度,改变其导通的速度,在时钟信号高电平...
特点 Fully Enhances N-Channel Power MOSFETs 12µA Standby Current Operates at Supply Voltages from 9V to 24V Short Circuit Protection Easily Protected Against Supply Transients Controlled Switching ON and OFF Times No External Charge Pump Components ...
Triple high-side MOSFET driver Features ■ Overvoltage charge pump shut off ■ For V S > 25 V ■ Reverse battery protection (referring to the application circuit diagram) ■ Programmable overload protection function for channel 1 and 2
In these cases you will need to deal with the MOSFET drive circuitry.”And So …Clearly, then, it is possible to destabilize the high-side current sense circuit by using too large of a gate resistor. Neubean relates this finding to his willing teacher Gureux. Gureux notes that RGATE ...
Themostpopularcircuitsolutionsandtheirperformanceareanalyzed,includingtheeffectofparasitic components,transientandextremeoperatingconditions.Thediscussionbuildsfromsimpletomore complexproblemsstartingwithanoverviewofMOSFETtechnologyandswitchingoperation.Design procedureforgroundreferencedandhighsidegatedrivecircuits,ACcoupledandtra...
Infineon’s PROFET™ protected high-side MOSFET power switches offer solutions for a wide range of automotive and industrial applications and are available as single and multi-channel switches. Our latest DMOS transistor technologies offer improved short circuit robustness and better performance as well...
measured using the circuit of Figure 1.RSHUNTis 10 mΩ;RGis 13 Ω;RBIASis 100 Ω;R1is 10 kΩ; load resistance is 200 Ω;RLis 200 Ω; the Zener diode output is 5.1 V; the op amp is AD8628; the MOSFET is BSS84. The maximum relative error is 0.69%, and the average...
A charge pump circuit for a high side drive circuit and a driver driving voltage circuit that stably output a voltage when input voltage is low. The charge pump circuit includes first and second transistors, first and second capacitors, and first to third diodes. The first capacitor has a hig...
IL (Short Circuit Current)88 A IL Nominal Current (@ TA = 85°C)7.5 A Load Current7.5 A MountingSMT Nominal Load Current per channel (All channels active)7.5 A Operating Temperatureminmax-40 °C 150 °C QualificationAutomotive RDS (on...