False positive high-sensitivity cardiac troponin I elevation in a newbornANTIBODIESdoi:10.1016/j.cca.2022.07.011Rossana.DomenisDepartment of Medical Area (DAME), University of Udine, Udine, Italy. Electronic address: rossana.domenis@uniud.it.Isabella.Mauro...
Trade-off between high sensitivity and increased potential for false positive peptide sequence matches using a two-dimensional linear ion trap for tandem m... Trade-off between high sensitivity and increased potential for false positive peptide sequence matches using a two-dimensional linear ion trap ...
SLR camera has high sensitivity image sensor and high performance image processor DIGIC4, it can [...] dghank.com 而与此相对,具有数码单反机搭载有支 持高感光 度拍 摄 的图 像感应器和高性 能影 像处理器DIGIC4,即使在较暗的场景拍摄,也能拍出全高清的影像效果,画质十分精细,能让人产生犹如...
Library quantitation was performed with Qubit dsDNA HS kit (Invitrogen, Q33230) paired with Bioanalyzer DNA High Sensitivity chips (Agilent, 5067-4626). Enrichment All enrichment was performed with xGen Hybridization and Wash kits (IDT, 1072281) and xGen Blocking Oligos (IDT, 1075476), following ...
Objectives Measurement of high-sensitivity (hs) cardiac troponin (cTn) T and I is widely studied for cardiac assessment of stable populations. Recent data suggest clinical and prognostic discrepancies between both hs-cTn. We aimed at reviewing published
Our amplicon-seq approach is characterized by a high sensitivity and a low false-positive discovery rate, thereby enabling the efficient and robust identification of RNA-based genetic switches. Finally, by developing a tailored computational analysis pipeline, comprehensive analyses for several quality ...
NPV = negative predictive value; NSTEMI = non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction; PPV = positive predictive value; Sens = sensitivity; Spec = specificity; other abbreviations as in Figure 1. Derivation of the POC-hs-cTnI-TriageTrue 0/1-h algorithm Optimal thresholds for the rule-out ...
The final assembly (#14), chosen based on the evaluation and likelihood calculations (see below), was run using Canu with the following relevant parameters: ‘minReadLength = 7000 minOverlapLength = 2000 MhapSensitivity = high genomeSize = 1 g errorRate = 0.025 -pac...
CNN-based systems may produce unacceptably high false-positive rates due to poor specificities, and therefore offer little benefit to clinicians compared with dermatoscopy and their own experience. As such, there is a significant need in the clinic for a device with high diagnostic sensitivity and...
ScoreAUC (95% CI)Cut-off usedTrue positiveFalse positiveFalse negativeTrue negativeSensitivity/%Specificity/%PPV/%NPV/% Outcome: 30-day MACE EDACS 0.73(0.63–0.83) Low risk* versus not low risk 14 236 8 484 63.6 67.2 5.6 98.4 HEART 0.73 (0.62–0.83) >2 21 530 1 190 95.5 26.4 3.8 ...