Smalltt is a minimal dependent type theory implementation. Features: Type-in-type. Dependent functions. Agda-style implicit functions with named implicit arguments. Basic pattern unification. A distinguished top-level scope and local let-definitions. An executable which can load a single file at once...
(Supplementary Table2provides a summary), highlighting the interest in and potential impact of the method on the imaging community. The positive reception of the original SRRF method can also be attributed to its user-friendly and accessible implementation as a plugin for the Fiji framework30. In...
Thus, by properly adjusting the trigger level of the scope, it is possible to capture the output waveform when the signals in the two arms of the interferometer interfere constructively, as any phase fluctuations-induced variations at the output impact both wavelengths equally. The schematic of ...
CZMQ aims for short, consistent names, following the theory that names we use most often should be shortest. Classes get one-word names, unless they are part of a family of classes in which case they may be two words, the first being the family name. Methods, similarly, get one-word ...
The prevailing theory on using if-else versus switch is based on the number of conditions being tested: the larger the number of conditions, the more inclined you are to use a switch instead of if-else. This typically comes down to which code is easier to read. The argument is that if...
In summary: (1) I have constructed a thermodynamic model for the fcc–hcp phase transition in the Si-bearing iron system based on experimental data; (2) the model suggests that mixing of Si and Fe can be represented by ideal mixing under high P and T; (3) the melting temperature for ...
Well, that’s the theory. In practice, even though TLS False Start should be backwards compatible with all existing TLS clients and servers, enabling it by default for all TLS connections proved to be problematic due to some poorly implemented servers. As a result, all modern browsers are ...
To compare accuracy improvements from the coupled-cluster calculations in this work, Table4shows the MAE and RMSE of the barrier height and reaction enthalpy relative to the lower levels of theory. The summary statistics are calculated using the list of about 10,400 reactions that are common to...
All density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out using the Gaussian 16 software Revision A.03. The geometries were optimized using the B3LYP-GD3BJ functional with a basis set of def-TZVP for all atoms. Vibrational frequency calculations were performed for all the stationary points...