置顶 高瞻课程体系(Highscope Curriculum)诞生于20世纪60年代,由美国高瞻教育研究基金会研发并付诸实践,长达40多年的长期追踪研究证实了该课程的有效性和优质性。经过60多年的发展,已经成为当今世界学前教育领域最为举足轻重的学前教育课程体系之一,被称为学前教育的“哈佛“,既有严谨的科学理论基础和权威的评估体系,...
4) preschool curriculum 学前课程 1. Today,preschool curriculumis remote from children s life in some aspects:curriculum aim,curriculum contents,curriculum effect and curriculum evaluation. 当前的学前课程在课程目标、课程内容、课程实施和课程评价等方面都疏离了儿童的生活。
While some educators use the word "curriculum" to refer to a particular content area such as reading or science, HighScope uses the term to describe all the components of a comprehensive and integrated early development program. Curriculum thus entails a set of teaching practices for adults, ...
alyzingthesimilaritiesanddifferencesoftheabovetwomodels. Keywords:preschoolcurriculummodel;Reggiocurriculummodel;HighScopeCurriculumModel ClassNo.:G610 DocumentMark:A (责任编辑:宋瑞斌) ・ 11 ・ 第7 期 国外学前课程模式对我国学前课程设置的启示———以瑞吉欧课程模式和highscope 课程模式为例 2014年 相关...
A spiral curriculum better matches with current understanding of how language is learned. Language can’t be broken down into discrete blocks which are independently masterable, revision is key to mastering items and skills and new vocabulary, learners will not truly learn a grammar point they are...
Sexuality education varies considerably from abstinence-only to comprehensive sex education and can influence knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors about sex
The High Scope Curriculum,starting from America,has been proved effectively.The implementation of the curriculum go through its Daily Routine Activities,including Plan-Work-Recall time,Large-Group time,Small-Group time,Outside time,etc.This article paid attention to the development of children's inter...
A B.Tech degree course is of 4 years duration and comprising of 8 semesters. The course curriculum in engineering focus on theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and industry exposure. In the 4 year programme, students learn core engineering subjects, mathematics, science and specialised subjects ...
Developmentally appropriate public school preschool: A study of implementation of the high/scope curriculum and its effects on disadvantaged children's ski... S. (1992). Developmentally appropriate public school preschool: A study of implementation of the High/Scope curriculum and its effects on ...