Wakefield High School is ranked 17th within Nebraska. The total minority enrollment is 60%, and 60% of students are economically disadvantaged. Wakefield High School is the only high school in the Wakefield Public Schools. Wakefield High School 2024 Rankings Wakefield High School...
Wakefield High School is 1 of 34 high schools in the Wake County Schools. Wakefield High School 2024 Rankings Wakefield High School is ranked #3,957 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare...
Similar SchoolsNearby Elementary Schools grade ALa Salle Academy Private School PROVIDENCE, RI 6-12 Rating 4.3 out of 5 293 reviews grade A minusThe Prout School Private School WAKEFIELD, RI 9-12 Rating 3.8 out of 5 161 reviews grade A minusSaint Raphael Academy Private School PAWTUCKET, RI ...
There are multiple schools named Wakefield High. Here we list all the schools below, click the link to get more information.
Find the best schools in the Greater Boston area with our public high school rankings. Sort 155 high schools by test scores, graduation rates, and more.
Wakefield 5-2-3 6-8-4 4-4-2 2-4-2 33 40 Burlington 4-4-2 6-10-2 4-4-1 2-6-1 31 39 Stoneham 1-8-1 2-15-1 1-7-0 1-8-1 12 67 Watertown 1-9-0 2-15-0 0-8-0 2-7-0 11 48 Northeastern Dunn TEAM LEAGUE ALL HOME AWAY GF GA Masconomet 13-0-0 22-0-1 13-...
Wakefield 8-8 10-11 5-5 5-6 58.4 63.1 Stoneham 4-6 9-13 4-7 5-6 38.7 35.6 Melrose 4-12 7-13 5-6 2-7 50.0 52.3 Northeastern Dunn TEAM LEAGUE ALL HOME AWAY PF/G PA/G Masconomet 14-0 20-1 11-0 9-1 71.0 51.0 Salem 11-2 17-5 11-3 6-2 63.2 52.4 Beverly 10-3 14-...
【题目】I am here with students at WakefieldHigh School in Arlington , Virginia . And we've got students listening from all across America, from kindergarten to 12th grade. I know that for many of you, today is the firstday of school. And for those of you in kindergarten , or starting...
Wakefield High School Symphonic Band 古典 · 2022年 试听 Association of Texas Small School Bands Region 24/25 Middle and High Schools 2022 (Live) 2017 Midwest Clinic: Kell High School Wind Ensemble (Live) 2021 Midwest Clinic: Walsh Middle School Honor Band (Live) ...
Association of Texas Small School Bands Region 24/25 Middle and High Schools 2022 (Live) Association of Texas Small School Bands Region 24/25 Middle School Concert Band, Association of Texas Small School Bands Region 24/25 Middle School Symphonic Band, Association of Texas Small School Bands Regi...