Overview of Fort Wayne Virtual Academy Fort Wayne Virtual Academy is ranked 307-395th within Indiana. The total minority enrollment is 59%, and 56% of students are economically disadvantaged. Fort Wayne Virtual Academy is 1 of 7 high schools in the Fort Wayne Community S...
Homestead Senior High School is 1 of 2 high schools in the M S D Southwest Allen County Schools. Homestead Senior High School 2024 Rankings Homestead Senior High School is ranked #1,402 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state...
9 - 12Fort Wayne Community Schools 3601 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne, IN, 46807 Tel: (260) 467-2600 33 out of 10 GreatSchools Rating 4 out of 54 reviews Parent Rating 1,415 Students 20 : 1 Students : TeacherStudent to teacher ratio of 20 to 1 See homes for sale and rent near...
North Side High School (Fort Wayne, Indiana)Allen County High Schools
There are multiple schools named South Side High School. Here we list all the schools below, click the link to get more information.
- District: Northwest Allen County Schools - Enrollment: 2,475 (19:1 student to teacher ratio) - Niche grade: A #26. Lake Central High School LStockStudio // Shutterstock #26. Lake Central High School - District: Lake Central School Corporation ...
There are multiple schools named Carroll High School. Here we list all the schools below, click the link to get more information. School Name CityState Carroll High School Ozark AL Carroll High School Fort Wayne IN Carroll High School Carroll IA Carroll High School Monroe LA Comment Your name ...
The Class of 2025 football prospects in Indiana is another strong one, led by a pair of Southeastern Conference signees, and as usual a bunch of players headed to Big Ten Conference schools a year from now. With the start of the football season just around the corner, we put together this...
Indiana high school marching bands are separated into either"Scholastic"class or"Open"class. The Scholastic class was created so that schools with smaller enrollment and/or resources could still be competitive on the the field. The Open class is, essential, open to everyone else. Both classes ar...
High School wrestling isn't just a sport in the Evansville area, it is a lifestyle. Many students who wrestle for area schools usually aren't the first in their families to do so. They either had a parent, older siblings, cousins, or uncles precede them on the mat at some point in...