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What: The Solar Car Challenge drives STEM engagement by inspiring students in Science, Engineering, and Alternative Energy. Since 1989, its education program has taught high schoolers to build and race solar cars safely. Through hands-on workshops, virtual learning, and curriculum materials, the pr...
SIMPLE SCIENCE FOR HOMESCHOOLING HIGH SCHOOL Because Teaching Science isn't Rocket Science! You Don't Have to Work at NASA to Teach Your Teens Effectively! You Just Need a Willing Heart, an Organized Approach, and Some Simple Facilitation Skills ...
UPCO’s Preparing for the Science RCT SKU UCCO001 $13.95 High-school book publisher Have a question? Can you tell me more about United Publishing Company Inc? United Publishing Company Inc., is a family-run business that has been publishing middle and high school level review books, laborato...
High School Science Flipchart Life ScienceHs, S
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We are excited to announce the expansion of the Science Alliance Profesors to include students. The program will choose the topics they want to explore:anthropology, astrophysics, conservation science, Earth趴ies, and evolutionary biology. During the school year, Science Alliance High School runs thr...
当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《【预订】Junior High School Curriculum Guide for General Science 9781014174727》。最新《【预订】Junior High School Curriculum Guide for General Science 9781014174727》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang
Case-based Learning of High School Science Subjects to Support Learning to Learn; Enhancing Senior [...] 社區中有一系列化學課程資源,例如 大 專院 校積 極 地為 中學製作 科 學學 習 資源,相關項目包括「在科學科目上應用個案基礎學習法以促進學會學 習」、「以創新...