Alameda: Rotary Club Offering High School ScholarshipsJournal, Alameda
Make high school study abroad a reality with these need-based and merit-based scholarships and grants.
"The Heritage Club really likes to celebrate cultural history, especially of our school, since we're so diverse and we've been around for so long," Heritage Club President Natalie Vergatold CBS News New York. The school's Heritage Club is modeled after a college tour, and the students rev...
The school encourages students to develop as whole people and to make a contribution to improving the opportunities of those less fortunate. The Community Service Program continues to be offered despite it no longer being a factor in graduation. The Rotary Club of Mount Lawley is proud to support...
Location:Dalton High School, 1500 Manly St, Dalton, GA 30720, USA Details: Ronnie McClurg Rotary Invitational Directions Monday, 24 March 2025 Varsity Boys & Girls Tennis @ Southeast Whitfield HS Start Time:4:00 pm Location:Southeast Whitfield High School, 1954 Riverbend Rd, Dalton, GA 30721,...
Western Christian High School 走读学校 男女混校 加利福尼亚 1:14 的师生比例 | 85%的教师高级学位 学校简介 西部基督教高中成立于1920年,营造了杰出的基督为本的教学环境。学校的毕业率约为99%,超过97%的毕业生继续他们就读学院或大学。学校最近搬迁到一个美丽、设备齐全的新校区。除了先进的校园设施与尖端技术...
o Student Voice groups very active across the school with forums, leadership conferences, buddyprograms, school tours, recycling program, decision making and fund raising.o Partnered with the Kiwanis Club of Tea Tree Gully to establish a Key Club which engages incommunity service activities in the...
The Winnipeg Amateur Radio Club's Basic Short Course 12 concluded Saturday, October 22nd at Shaftesbury with the writing of the Industry Canada exam. Two high school students passed the course with honours. Congratulations to Nik Reichert (VE4NJR) of Garden City Collegiate and Nikhil Sharma (VA...
Disney Club French Club Music Club Baking for a Cause Photography Club Encounter Christ by Helping Others (ECHO) Reading Rascals Interact Rotary Club Diversity Club Robotics Club Fidelis Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Car Club It All Adds Up Japanese Anime Voices for Life Friends of Freedom...
The concept sounded simple enough–bring together the Santa Clara Valley’s finest high school football players from the 1973 fall season to play in an all-star game the following summer. Through the combined efforts of the Almaden Valley Rotary Club and the San Jose Police Athletic League, the...