(这个写法ShiroN_L称:人声内部穿插的标志性重音突出) 此外,这里的排键也有细节,这里的排键主要突出一个21(2个天,一个地)或12(1个天,2个地)的键型,这个键型贯穿全文,包括后面的boss段也有一样的键型排列出现,个人理解为核心考点,也可能是谱面特色。 125-172combo 这里大段重复段,写谱时遇到保持思路一致即...
High school queen (Explicit) - Daylight Tell me now the reason why You feel popular while you lie I don't know what do you think of Being like you, still such a bitch Can't you just jump off a bridge? I don't know what do you think of Don't give me lectures, of how I've...
歌曲:high school queen 文本歌词: 歌手:玉置成実 歌词出处: https://www.5nd.com I don't wanna lose my loveいつも言い訳うまく並べてどんなことも許されてるだけど今度は ちょっとそうはさせない彼を狙う 風のウワサBeat up 彼女にはKick out 負けないわShe's like a teenage queen欲しい...
Legs Diamond - High School Queen
Queen Creek High School is ranked 69th within Arizona. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Queen Creek High School is 26%. The total minority enrollment is 36%, and 15% of students are econom...
In this High School Prom Queen has got attention of many high school boys. Where almost all of the boys have crush on this cute prom queen and want to have a pr…
预告中下一话叫hig..SCHOOL DAYS。。。感觉下一集是纯搞笑的。。。 PS:我已不看圣经好多年!!后面那集什么时候出啊 歪辫子被魔化后的。。。话说这片子我从初中看到大学 他还没完