This late '90s gem is a delightful spin on Jane Austen's Emma, following the life of a well-meaning but superficial high school queen bee. Filled with quotable lines, iconic fashion, and hilarious situations, the film explores teenage drama, misguided match-making attempts, and the p...
and events leading up to it may last all week.While homecoming is celebrated differently at each school,it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen, and ends with a football game and school dance.The prom is a formal dance for students in grades11 and ...
This late '90s gem is a delightful spin on Jane Austen's Emma, following the life of a well-meaning but superficial high school queen bee. Filled with quotable lines, iconic fashion, and hilarious situations, the film explores teenage drama, misguided match-making attempts, and the ...
At the prom,students dance,have snacks and drinks,and chat.Prom usually ends with a Prom King and Queen being announced and crowned on stage before an envious(羡慕的) audience.Besides hosting events for holidays such as the Fourth of July and Halloween,each high school often has their own ...
prom may call it “junior prom” while high school seniors may call it “senior prom”. In practice, this event may be a junior and senior combined dance. At a prom, a Prom King and Prom Queen may be chosen. Seniors are us...
Beauty contests, prom court is the mission There can only be one queen, one king Everyone voting, everyone competing But these are the rule, the way of high school If someone puts you down That's so high school Someone talks behind your back That's so high school and when ...
High School Prom Queen : Night party游戏简介 Get yourself ready for the prom and look fabulous! High school is over. What to wear, what to wear ? Who will be elected as the prom queen?Getting ready for the prom has never been so much fun. Get glammed up today and head off to the...
Beauty contests, prom court is the mission There can only be one queen, one king Everyone voting, everyone competing But these are the rule, the way of high school If someone puts you down That's so high school Someone talks behind your back That's so high school and when ...
从第五段第一句“While homecoming is celebrated differently at each school, it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen, and ends with a football game and a school dance”可知答案。 4. 标题归纳题。全文从几个方面介绍了美国学生的高中生活,可知答案。
This late '90s gem is a delightful spin on Jane Austen's Emma, following the life of a well-meaning but superficial high school queen bee. Filled with quotable lines, iconic fashion, and hilarious situations, the film explores teenage drama, misguided match-making attempts, and the ...