【题】 T aking th e High School Placement T est (HSPT高中编班测试) is a fact o f lif e for an eighth grad e student wishing to get into a high school . All students must tak e this test for admission . Being informed about what t h e test is and what th e test is for wil...
The Scholastic Testing Service, or STS, High School Placement Test is a standardized test used for students entering high school. The HSPT was first used in 1955 and is specifically designed for use in admissions and to place students in high school classes. The test measures content-specific a...
The HSPT is a nationally recognized private high school entrance exam available to students as part of the private school application process. It is used to assist with admissions, scholarship selection, and curriculum placement. The HSPT is a comprehensive placement test for eighth graders for ...
Our HSPT Prep Course has been designed it from scratch with the sole purpose of producing a top-notch product that will help our students ace the HSPT test.
Increase your chance of earning admission into the private high school of your choice with Peterson's High School Placement Test (HSPT) prep app! HSPT Prep by P…
Included in Kaplan Catholic High School Entrance Exams are six full-length practice tests—two for each exam commonly administered—the Cooperative Entrance Examination (COOP), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), and Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS). Also included are ...
Score high on the entrance exam and get into the Catholic school of your choice To enroll in a Catholic high school, you must first pass the Cooperative Admissions Examination Program (COOP), the High School Placement Test (HSPT), or the Test for Admission into Catholic High Schools (TACHS)...
Looking for a private catholic high school in the Hartford, New Haven or Middlesex Counties? Mercy High School is the place to be. Call today to learn about our programs!
Easily view and search the Brother Rice High School Calendar 2025-2026: Including holidays, team schedules and more.
Increase your chance of earning admission into the private high school of your choice with Peterson's High School Placement Test (HSPT) prep app! HSPT Prep by Peterson's makes studying for the HSPT exam easy and fun! Begin by receiving a full overview of the different sections of the exam...