The relationship between individual personality types and academic performance during online learning remains poorly understood. This study analysed extensive sampling data from 4,340 first-year high school students during semesters of face-to-face and online learning, respectively, to investigate the influ...
(2006). Personality, achievement test scores, and high school percentile as predictors of academic performance across four years of coursework. Journal of Research in Personality, 40, 424-431.Personality,achievement test scores,and high school percentile as predictors of academicperformance across four ...
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A Study of Junior High School Students' Delinquency and School Refusal by Personality Test with Special Reference to Relationship between Reaction to Picture-Frustration and Prognosis Ichitani Tsuyoshi , Nishikawa Mitsuru , Hayashi Katsuzo Bulletin of Kyoto University of Education. Ser. A, Education, ...
Getting set up to take them is simple -- you'll schedule your test, you'll study the materials or take a test-prep course and then you'll show up on the day of the exam and pass! There are three major high school equivalency exams: the GED, the HiSET and the TASC. There's also...
The sample included 90 LD students and 100Non-LD students grades 9 through 12 in a large suburbanschool system. Research questions considered: (1)differences in personality and vocational interestbetween LD and NLD students; (2) age and gender of LDand NLD students in relationship to vocational...
Despite the voluminous literature on the potentials of single-sex schools, there is no consensus on the effects of single-sex schools because of student selection of school types. We exploit a unique feature of schooling in Seoul-the random assignment of students into single-sex versus coeducationa...
The current study investigated whether the grade point average (GPA) of high school courses and the score on the test for admission to a bachelor’s d
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Two studies were conducted in which student participants gave overall hedonic evaluations of past relationships or their high school days, and, additionally, gave similar evaluations of the best, most memorable, worst, initial, and final moments from them. They also evaluated a typical moment and ...