High School Musical歌舞青春是美国一部获得艾美奖的电视电影它于2006年1月20日上映是迪士尼频道最成功的原创电影电影讲述来自于两个不同甚至对立的团体的高中新生之间的故事篮球队队长特洛伊·波顿和美丽而害羞的数学天才凯碧欧拉·曼提兹他们一起尝试在他们的高中冬季音乐剧中担纲主要角色最终他们克服了来自各方的重重...
全是即兴演出 没有剧本 没有人事先写好 现在机会是我们的 一起写下青春 Someday we'll be lookin' back, Memories we'll have, all the songs that we lived through!但是有一天我们会回首 我们会有满满回忆 记得所有共同经历过的歌曲 The best of times, so why leave them behind.最好的时光 所以 为...
High School Music Band - Ymca
High School song mp3 UMI Singing, seed music provides free online trial playback, if you like it, please share it with your friends!
01High School Music Band - Pocahontas 02High School Music Band - Sono in Ritardo 03High School Music Band - Reflection 04High School Music Band - El Dorado 05High School Music Band - Lo Stretto Indispensabile 06High School Music Band - Mi Domando ...
其他版本 High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Music from the Motion Picture) High School Musical 3: Senior Year (Music from the Motion Picture) 13 首歌曲 你可能也喜欢 Hannah Montana Forever (Soundtrack from the TV Series) Hannah Montana Forever (Soundtrack from the TV Series) Hannah ...
在Apple Music 上收听群星的《High School (Freevee Original Series Soundtrack)》。2022年。36 首歌曲。时长:28 分钟
High School Music Band - Secret
表演者:Various Composers/Zac Efron/Vanessa Anne Hudgens/Ashley Tisdale/Lucas Grabeel/High School Musical Cast/B5 专辑类型:Enhanced / Extra tracks / Soundtrack / Special Edition 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2006-05-23 出版者:Walt Disney Records