Penn Foster High School is a private school located in SCRANTON, PA. It has 109,612 students in grades 9-12. Compare Penn Foster High School to Other Schools About (888) 427-6200 925 OAK STSCRANTON, PA 18515 About Penn Foster High School... High School Online School ...
教皇约翰·保罗二世高中POPE JOHN PAUL II HIGH SCHOOL (PA)学校亮点 ◆ 大学通过率为 99% ◆ 友好和安全的学习环境 ◆ 18门高级课程 学校介绍 教皇约翰保罗二世是一所位于宾夕法尼亚州上普罗维登斯镇的天主教学校,靠近费城蒙哥马利县的罗耶斯福德。 Pope John Paull II 成立于 2010 年 9 月,是费城 43 年...
PA:主教卡罗尔天主高中· Bishop Carroll Catholic High School ◆ 位于全美最宜居城市匹斯堡 ◆ 由经验丰富老师全天提供ESL 课程 ◆ 为国际学生提供住宿 ◆ 师生比例高达 1:10 ◆ 高科技校园设施全美领先 主教卡罗尔天主高中 位于宾州匹兹堡东部的埃本斯堡。匹兹堡是美国著名工业城市,美国钢铁工业的中心,有...
Radnor Senior High School is a top rated, public school located in RADNOR, PA. It has 1,126 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 12 to 1. According to state test scores, 87% of students are at least proficient in math and 95% in reading. Compare Radnor Senior Hi...
Peters Township High School is ranked 11th within Pennsylvania. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Peters Township High School is 75%. The total minority enrollment is 9%, and 11% of stud...
PA:主教麦考特天主高中·Bishop McCort Catholic High School ◆ 邻近华盛顿、纽约市 ◆ 提供完善专业的升学指导服务 ◆ 由经验丰富老师提供ESL课程 ◆ 课程设置丰富(计算机、商科) ◆ 学术、体育、艺术设施齐全 主教麦考特天主高中是一所天主教联合高中,位于宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯顿,匹兹堡以东约67 英里。在独特的学...
Seneca Valley High School is ranked 138th within Pennsylvania. Students have the opportunity to take Advanced Placement® coursework and exams. The AP® participation rate at Seneca Valley High School is 28%. The total minority enrollment is 11%, and 18% of students...
PA:德隆天主高中·Delone Catholic High School ● 毕业生被常青藤名校录取 ● 高科技校园、教学设施全美领先 ● 多名学生入选国家优秀学生奖学金 ● 多个运动项目屡获殊荣 德隆天主高中学校是一所办学历史超过 75 年的优质高中,规模虽小,但校园在科技化及学术、体育设施上均配备完善,培养出来的校友在各行各业都...
Central Catholic is a college preparatory, Catholic school for boys guided by the educational principles of St. John Baptist de La Salle. We strive to provide a challenging, relevant, and diverse program in an environment that fosters a life of faith and
The Mr. PA Football awards are presented each year to the most outstanding high school football players in Pennsylvania!