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Our high schoolers will use the Apologia resource while the rest of the children will use the Answers in Genesis – all learning together more about marine biology! Plus we’ll be heading to the Georgia Aquarium to use our passes for up close study. We’re also planning at least one ...
High school is a perfect time to expand your perspective through travel and experiential learning. You may have a list of countries you'd like to visit, but what if you didn't have to wait until after graduation? As a current high school student, you can take advantage ofhigh school stud...
Broadreach students have earned thousands of hands-on scuba diving and sailing certifications, as well as college credits in subjects ranging from marine biology and medicine to Spanish and photography. Global Works | Travel with Purpose Authentic Service Travel for High School Students and Groups ...
2. Stoney Brook Dam –near the Wilton-Lyndeborough Cooperative Middle High School 3. Horseshoe Falls, another minor but pretty water feature. I wouldn’t drive to this just for it alone, but if you happen to be driving along the Souhegan then it is worth seeing. 4. Small waterfall along...
How many of us have taken foreign language lessons in high school? And how many of us have applied those skills outside of trivia night? Hailey, who I mentioned earlier, took three years of Spanish classes before ever needing to use the language outside of school. Traveling to Costa...
Carol graduated from Encina High School, the class of 1962. She received her AA Degree from American River College, and also attended Art Center and the University of Michigan. Del and Carol started a business 43 years ago, which still operates today as Original Paint & Equipment. She ...
While becoming a vet tech does require some education, it’s a job that you can step into right out of school. Your primary duties will be working with veterinarians and veterinary nurses to ensure your animal patients’ health. Requirements to become a veterinary technician: An associate’s ...
Grade_school: Howe Avenue along with many others in the class of 1965. Memorable_teachers: Mr. Carey, very caring. Mr.Day kind, fun, demanding but excellent teacher. Story: Patience, remember The Pink Panther and the fencing lessons. The summer after we graduated I traveled to England with...
Brocki works the trout into his lessons. The fish connect most easily into his AP Environmental Science classes, but Brocki is also able to creatively use the fish while teaching biology when demonstrating water quality or genetic abnormalities. Shrewsbury High School Principal Todd Bazydlo sa...