In this zany '80s comedy, two high school geeks create their dream woman using a computer program, only to discover she's much more than they bargained for. With her magical powers and outrageous wit, she helps the boys navigate bullies, house parties, and ultimately find their conf...
High School Magical S2.E5All episodes Cast & crew IMDbProAll topicsThe Mission Impossible Episode aired Jul 17, 2023 YOUR RATING RateFantasy Add a plotStars Fred Abere Ademola Adebayo Toke Adekunle 在IMDbPro 上查看制作信息 Add to Watchlist...
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high school (redirected fromhigh schooler) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to high schooler:senior high school high school n. A secondary school that usually includes grades 9 or 10 through 12. high′-school′adj. high school′ern. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edit...
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根据上句“High school is a magical time when students can learn and grow."以及下句“ Many students are feeling more pressure than ever before when it comes to performing well at school."可知,高中是学生学 习和成长的时光,但是也更有压力。 因此,上下文是转 折关系,D项承上启下,且该选项中的...
High School Magical
根据后句Many students are feeling more pressure than ever before when it comes to performing well at school(在学校表现出色方面,许多学生比以往任何时候都感到更大的压力),可知表示"然而,高中也是一段充满压力的时期"的选项D符合前后的语境,feeling more pressure和a...