(Mexico) When did you graduate from high school?¿Cuándo te graduaste de la prepa? d. el instituto (M) (Spain) There are a thousand students in the high school.En el instituto hay mil estudiantes. e. el bachillerato (M) (studies) (El Salvador) (Spain) (Venezuela) High school...
No high school student has ever just woken up one day and suddenly become a millionaire. Ningún estudiante de segunda se levantó un día y de pronto se convirtió en millonario. Yes, that nurse that went missing in '04, and the other one was a high school student from Syosset. Sí,...
Did you mean to convertmillimetric mile [high school]tovara [California] vara [Mexico] vara [Portuguese] vara [South America] vara [Spanish] vara [Texas] More information from the unit converter How many millimetric mile [high school] in 1 vara? The answer is 0.52387605. We assume you ar...
grade in two settings: Spanish for the Huichol people in a remote rural area and English for a private school in the city. The first case is situated in a rural Huichol community in the high mountain area of Jalisco, Mexico. The second one is located in a wealthy neighborhood in the ...
Cristobal is the captain of the soccer team, the Borregos, at High School Mexico (yes, it's that obvious). His best friends and teammates, Jorge, Juan Carlos and César, have more in common with the T-Birds than the Wildcats. In fact, the filmmakers may have taken some inspirations ...
At 16, Hernandez moved from Mexico to San Jose, where she dropped out of high school after becoming pregnant. Now, 20 years later, she's back, determined to finally earn her high school diploma. "It's been crazy… not easy, but after 20 years in this country, I found the ...
A new Texas Ranger has been in the league for over a decade getting his start in 2011 with the Dodgers. He's currently signed on a two year deal with the Rangers. Got his career started at Alvin High School over in Alvin, Texas. Was going to play for Texas A&M, but the Dodgers ...
Spanish / Español Select a language: embarazo pregnancy [ˈpregnənsɪ] A.N[of woman] →embarazom; [of animal] →preñezf see alsophantomB B.CPDpregnancy testN→pruebafdelembarazo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. ...
high school senior( hay skul si - nyuhr ) phrase 1.(general) a. no direct translation I didn't have a good idea of what I wanted to with my life when I was a high school senior.No tenía mucha noción de lo que quería hacer con mi vida cuando estaba en el último año del ...
(Mexico) From freshman year through their high school graduation, teenagers mature a lot.Desde el primer año hasta la graduación de la escuela preparatoria, los adolescentes maduran mucho. c. la graduación del instituto (F) (Spain) Some students choose to travel following their high school...