The AP® participation rate at Bakersfield High School is 14%. The total minority enrollment is 87%, and 82% of students are economically disadvantaged. Bakersfield High School is 1 of 24 high schools in the Kern High School District. Bakersfield High School 2024 Rankings...
school location mira monte high school 1800 s. fairfax rd. bakersfield, california 93307 # 13,242-17,655 in national rankings # 1,317-1,652 in california high schools nearby schools tierra del sol continuation high school 3700 e. belle terrace bakersfield, california 9...
贝克斯菲尔德高中Bakersfield Christian High School体育运动: 田径,篮球,足球, 越野,排球,棒球,垒球,女子网球、足球,拉拉队,男子网球、足球,高尔夫,女子游泳,摔跤。 贝克斯菲尔德高中Bakersfield Christian High School课外活动: 音乐和表演:音乐节目的录音室和操制室,乐队和合唱团,综合戏剧/音乐剧表演,美术,音乐和戏剧联合...
We are "The Bakersfield" High School. There are other high schools in Bakersfield that have agriculture programs, but we are the oldest and original.
Bakersfield Christian High School 走读学校 大学预备 男女混校 加利福尼亚 1:7 的师生比例 | 46%的教师高级学位 下载校书 学校简介 为了为教区提供无教派、高质量的基础教育,学校开设了以圣经为基础的教育体系。贝克斯菲尔德的教育实践寻求开发每一个学生的能力。 学校概况 建校年份:1979 学校地址:12775 Stockdale ...
学校简介 贝克斯菲尔德高中位于California州Bakersfield Christian High School, California, US英文名称叫,Bakersfield Christian High School该院校是一所走读类的大学预备高中。贝克斯菲尔德高中学费是$12,394美元师生比1:07。始建于1979年,学校开设年级9&&12。AP课程数22,SAT平均分(升学)1130。
Foothill High School is a public school located in BAKERSFIELD, CA. It has 2,045 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 24 to 1. According to state test scores, 10% of students are at least proficient in math and 44% in reading. Compare Foothill High School to Other...
Also, there is a shortage of qualified instructors at the high school level. However, attitudes are changing with recognition of the human impact on resource availability and climate. As a result, a similar dual enrollment class has been approved for Ridgeview High School in Bakersfield and will...
加尔塞斯纪念中学是一所走读制大学预备学校,带有教堂,年级从 9-12,成立于1947 年。位于市区的校园临近 LA,占地 32 英亩,有 16 所建筑。学校是由加利福尼亚州教育部批准的私立学校。 学校位于加州的 Bakersfield 市。是加州的第九大城市,全美第 52 大城市。该市总人
翻译Highland High School (Bakersfield, CA) HHS缩写是高地高中(贝克斯菲尔德、钙)的意思,HHS全写Highland High School (Bakersfield, CA)。 HHS缩写可能还有其它意思,请根据自身行业、属性核对选择HHS正确的英文缩写及全写。 参考资料: 1.百度翻译:高地高中(贝克斯菲尔德、钙) 2.有道翻译:高地高中(贝克斯菲尔德、钙...