Homeschooling through the teenage/high school years offers several different challenges. You may need to meet specific requirements and you may find that you are teaching subjects with which you are not familiar. In addition, many parents don't begin homeschooling until their child reaches high sc...
Homeschooling High School: Helen's Story "We have 4 kids, youngest is 17 and a senior...They never went to a brick and mortar classroom 'til college. My oldest daughter is anER nurse, hired at a MAJOR hospital prior to her graduation!
Earn your high school diploma from the comfort and convenience of your own home with Aztec Home Schooling's comprehensive program. Achieve a recognized diploma superior to a GED, featuring tailored curriculum and full legal compliance in your state.
How does your homeschool program work? Forest Trail Academy An accredited, international, K-12, online school 2101 Vista Parkway, Suite 226 West Palm Beach, FL 33411, United States. FTA is registered with the Florida Department of Education (under district, select-Palm Beach) with School Code...
Homeschooling High SchoolJeanne Gowen Dennis
high school. I decided my sophomore year I needed to go back to BVS because of the amazing environment and I felt safe at home and for my mental health is was better for me to attend there instead. The environment at South Plantation was hostile and very uncomfortable. Choosing to go ...
Choosing Homeschooling High School Curriculum Preparing for homeschooling high school can seem like a big job, but it just takes some planning. It is important to choose a curriculum that meets both your needs and, more importantly, those of your high school student. This essay explains the ...
High school may be the most important time to home school, because the final preparation for adult life happens during the teen years.
This is another one of those “I’m still learning” parts of homeschooling. I have several resources I have studied and I love. I’ll share them below. But I will also say that I did purchase Homeschool Tracker with great intentions. However, it is PC based and I am a Mac gal al...
Discover why Sora is among the leading accredited homeschool programs. Sora Schools is designed to accelerate students & explore their passions.