Herff Jones is your one-stop shop to designing your high school class ring and graduation caps, gowns, gifts and accessories.
Herff Jones is your one-stop shop to designing your high school class ring and graduation caps, gowns, gifts and accessories.
【题目】 High school graduation-th e bitterswee t feclings ar e as much a part o f m e now as t hey wer e twenty-on e years ago.As graduation day approach e d , ercitement incr eas e d . Being out o f high school meant I wa s finally coming o f ag e . Soon I woul...
Though many of us have buried the memories of our time in high school deep — very deep— into the recesses of our minds, some people still think very fondly of their teenage years. The year leading up to young adulthood is often marked by major events like as prom and graduation, and...
As you can probably tell by all the grad party invitations plastering your fridge, it's officially high school graduation season. Shopping for a high school grad can be daunting, though: Do you go for something fun? Something practical? What do these kids even like these days?!
John Butler, a teacher at Hahnville High School, was on hand for the graduation as a parent, not a staff member, but once he learned Peters, dilemma, he accompanied the young man to the entry to see if he could change the gatekeeper's mind....
High school graduation is worth celebrating. It marks a big change in the lives of young adults. However, it ought to mean even more. It ought to mean that the graduate is ready for college or career. In a report issued last year, we found that almost half of recent Illinois high ...
October 27, 2012 ShareCOMMENT Image via Complex Original Complex Original Sign Up for the Newsletter By entering your email, you agree to receive customized marketing messages from us and our advertising partners. You also acknowledge that this site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and that ourPrivacy Po...
Here are some of the best graduation gift ideas for teens—from stylish phone accessories and digital cameras to wardrobe must-haves.