English Title High School Girls Aliases Romaji Title Joshikousei Girl's High Furigana Title じょしこうせい Japanese Title 女子高生 GIRL'S-HIGH Japanese Studio Name アームス English Studio Name ARMS Companies Involved ( Add ) Content Rating T - Teen Genre Tags ( Add ) slice of life, dr...
Of the 143451 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the ova High School Girls' Waists.
on April 11, 1959. Lesley graduated from Encina High School where she was a member of the Madrigal singing group, class senator, song leader, and starred in the student production of Godspell.
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High School Girls: Directed by Mahmoud Kamel. With Bassem Mouris Adly, Bassant Al-Nabrawi, Jamila Awad, Amira Bader. The story follows five teenage girls as they try to discover themselves but they face a lot of trouble and difficulties during high schoo
Young men use the group to nominate a high school or area they're looking for nudes from, or full names of girls they are "hunting," according to the Australian news organisation. SEE ALSO:Another private school boy is accused of sharing nude images of students online ...
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in terms of summer clothes with high school girls as subjects.The findings are as follows :(1) Concerning the colors the high school girls prefer and wear, the rate of white was higher for their upper clothes and that of the neutral colors of black and white higher for their lower clothes...
This study aimed to clarify the features of Japanese high school girls' career self-efficacy, and the relationship between this attribute and their interests in certain professions(doctor, nurse, pharmacist, and teacher), in accordance with their desired career patterns. Career self-efficacy was dete...
内容简介· ··· A hilariously hip account of life at an all-girls private high school. As the student body comes of age we witness their search for love, sexual controversy, and the rivalry between cliques. Based on the author's own real life experiences, this is one manga you don't...