An Algebra II curriculum usually builds on knowledge and skills that are gained in Algebra I and reinforced in Geometry, including relationships between quantities through equations and inequalities, graphing of functions, and trigonometry. In high school, Algebra II helps students gain an understanding...
In summer time, many high school students register an online course to upgrade a mark at Toronto eSchool. - Retake Courses Some students enrol with Toronto eSchool by retaking failed course to get a credit. - Work Ahead Some Students also take summer courses online to free up their time...
Seasonally Themed Learning Fall Winter Spring Summer Holiday Themed Learning Thanksgiving Christmas Hanukkah Veterans Day Memorial Day 4th of July New Years Presidents Day St. Patrick's Day Easter Mother's Day Father's Day Other Valentine's Day Interactive Learni...
high school, and college students. The 2023 focus is on showcasing innovative skills towards the common goal of success. Participants register online for their desired division, adhere to Official Rules while building their projects
May 19, 2023Easy Peasy All-in-One HomeschoolLeave a comment Our 2023 complete overhaul of geometry is now on the site. You can start using it immediately. There is an offline version as well if you would like to use books. See the Course(book link on the course page) ...
* Have your school sign you up for an AP physics summer institute. Every high school should pay for this – and they should pay not only for the class, but also travel expenses, and room & board. The amount of money is peanuts compared to the school annual budget, and they know it....
Get the most out of your high school classes by strategically choosing courses that will give you a leg up in college admissions. Learn what to pick here!
Online Payments See Something, Say Something Code of Student Conduct Flying L News FLHS IN A FLASH Check out events taking place weekly with FLHS IN A FLASH! FLHS 25-26 Course Catalog Check out all the courses being offered for the 25-26 school year. BC Dual Enrollment for Summer and...
High School Course of Study Students must take six academic classes per year, as well as one fine arts elective and physical education. The school follows the esteemed Great Books tradition by reading and dialoguing with the best thinkers of Western Civilization. Seniors must complete a college-le...
summer without taking on another job. For the most part, it doesn’t require a lot of actual teaching and is really quite dull. The kids do their work and I write this blog on my laptop. If they’renotgoing to do the work, that substitute who gets mistaken for a high school ...