Fastpitch Fastpitch NW 2021 FIFA World Cup Football Golf Golf Gymnastics High School Sports Kraken Mariners Motor Sports News NFL NHL Olympics Professor DW's Picks Seahawks Seattle U Slow Pitch Soccer Sounders Swimming Tennis That Got Me to Thinkin' ...
Favorite Pitch to Crush: Hanging CurvePosition: C, SS, 3B, OF, 1B, and I`m gonna try pitching this year.I play baseball from March - November and fill the December - February void with basketball. I`m gonna play varsity as the starting catcher as a sophomore cause we have a player...
Hello all, My 2018 is playing fairly high level travel ball, and also with his local school team. He is pretty much nails with travel ball, and handling good pitching. Very confident. Quick compact swing, drives it the opposite...
The Texas High School Coaches Association (THSCA) is the principle advocate and leadership organization for Texas high school coaches. THSCA provides the highest quality representation, education, and services to Texas high school coaches and affiliate members, and enhances the professionalism of coaches...
CHICAGO -- Joey Cantillo hasn’t been dealt the easiest hand in his professional baseball career, but on Monday night at Guaranteed Rate Field, he proved just how special he can be when the situation is right. Twenty straight batters walked to the plate, trying to figure out what the young...
Reusse, Patrick
In Session Seven, Launchpadders and Middle Schoolers remained divided between campus and home but connected as a tribe with multiple Zoom calls and squad meetings. All around the world queries poured in asking about the success of the Acton Academy “distance learning tools” – and we always...
But the Lugnuts chipped away: a sacrifice fly from Jared McDonald in the third made it 10-2; a run-scoring wild pitch and a Max Muncy RBI single in the fourth made it 10-4; and a laser to left from Bowman in the fifth made it 10-5. In the last of the seventh, Bowman came...
My son's pitching coach was a MLB pitcher who threw FB & Chg. He also had Tommy John surgery. He'd tell you that FB / Chg is supposed to be safe and that the definition of a bad pitch for an arm is the last pitch thrown before an injury occurs and that isn't the root cause...
What is the mound distance and what is the speed of the average pitchers fastball? It sounds to me as if the fastball is not fast enough in your league and is an easy pitch to hit. In our city league the mound distance is 48 feet (11-12 year olds) and the good pitchers fastballs...