Every state in the U.S. has specific requirements for earning a General Educational Development (GED) or High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) credential. Make sure you know exactly what is required of you before you begin studying so that you don't waste time or money on materials you do...
In the United States, three exams are considered a High School Equivalency diploma and bear the same weight as a high school certificate: General Educational Development (GED): A high school equivalent certificate that you get after passing a high school equivalency test about math, science, langu...
The Best Test Preparation For The Ged: High School Equivalency DiplomaBrian WalshSandra A. MaronaJ.D. ReedRobert E. WinsteadMary Ann KayMel FriedmanJune A. NiimiLinda GregoryDeloris K. KlugScott Cameron
GED No Longer Top High School Equivalency Test in WyomingHed: GED no longer the high school equivalency king At a glanceNow that Wyoming offers three...Galloway, Kristine
Maine Drops GED in Favor of Cheaper, More Flexible High School Equivalency TestAUGUSTA, Maine -- For more than 70 years, "GED" has beensynonymous with high school equivalency...Moretto, Mario
GED High School Equivalency Test to Get Major Overhaul, Become More Difficult (Posted 2013-04-21 17:13:01) ; Test Struggled with Its Promise of Offering a Second Chance for Those without High School DiplomaChandler, Michael Alison
GED Will Go Digital Next Year in Va., Elsewhere (Posted 2013-04-12 22:46:39) ; the High School Equivalency Test Reflects That Computer Literacy Is a Key Skill That Students Need to MasterChandler, Michael Alison
Jeanette White Staff writer
STRENGTHEN OUR WORKFORCE: GET MORE GED SITES WHY ALLEGHENY COUNTY NEEDS MORE PLACES FOR HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY TESTING [Corrected 04/ 11/12]Imagine if Allegheny County had only one site where high schoolstudents could take the SAT test...Block, Don...
Too Tough? Revised GED Exam Creates Hurdle for Many ; State Reports A Nearly 90 Percent Decline in Equivalency Diplomas AwardedStuhldreher, Tim