Embarking on thejourney of entrepreneurshipdoesn’t always require elaborate setups. High schoolers can kick-start their business dreams by offering babysitting services to neighbors and relatives. Babysitting allows them to earn some extra cash and nurtures valuable skills like responsibili...
School-Based Learning Exclusively for students using the platform as an educational tool in their classroom for the entrepreneurship course. Suitable for students starting at age 10. For more details, please consult your teacher or school administrator. ...
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers this enrichment program for high school juniors interested in engineering, science and entrepreneurship. Students select five of 14 rigorous (严格的) academic courses to study over the six weeks of the program, during which time they have several opportu...
Ch 8. Entrepreneurship & Start-Ups Ch 9. Basics of Marketing Strategy Ch 10. Business Management Functions Ch 11. Management Theory for the Business Environment Ch 12. Concepts in Human Resource Management Ch 13. Resource Management & Training ...
2012 implement LM STAD integrated with E-Learning in subject trigonometry mathematics succeeded in forming the hard work character, 3) Isnaeni/Supartono, 2013 implement the LM PBL itegrated with Lab School in subject organize fruit in Skill succeeded in forming the entrepreneurship spirit, 4) Lusian...
Gaining a basic understanding of demand, supply, and market equilibrium is an important part of developing comprehension of economics. This lesson...
So for those of you focused on studio culture, below are a few observations drawn from work at the Acton MBA and entrepreneurship: Dominance Hierarchies are a fact of nature. Pecking orders – or more stuffily, dominance hierarchies, seem deeply embedded in our evolutionary nature, from ...
Towards the end of the summer vacation, as I was rounding up my plans for my teachings in the coming school year I have decided to dedicate the first month of the year with both my gifted classes to participating in a global project:The Global Goals project. ...
Money, Banking & Financial Markets Activities for High School Business Math Project Ideas Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room Discussion Questions Financial Literacy Activities for High School Ch 6. Teaching Entrepreneurship Ch 7. Labor Unions & Labor Law Lesson...Fiscal...
As you teach economics at the high school level, it will be important to impart information about different forces impacting the marketplace. This lesson offers activities that teach about scarcity, choice, and production possibilities. Teaching Market Forces ...