This late '90s gem is a delightful spin on Jane Austen's Emma, following the life of a well-meaning but superficial high school queen bee. Filled with quotable lines, iconic fashion, and hilarious situations, the film explores teenage drama, misguided match-making attempts, and the p...
The Iranian education system has pursued the trend of using computers, especially at secondary school level, to help students cope with their learning problems independently. This study is an attempt to find out the different trends of learning style preferences among Iranian male high school seniors...
Area StudiesConcept TeachingCross Cultural StudiesCurriculum GuidesInterdisciplinary ApproachNon Western CivilizationSecondary EducationSocial StudiesUnits of StudyAnthropology and Sociology are the core disciplines in a unit using cumulative concept teaching approach. (SE)...
When I'm back at the university, skipping classes and turning in lazy re-writes seems too irresponsible after seeing what I would be doing without school. All the advice and public-service announcements about the value of an education that used to sound stale (陈腐的) now ring true. My ...
Findings from a self-reported delinquency survey among high school (N = 517) and institutionalized (N = 306) boys in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu are reported as part of a larger study designed to tap several aspects of delinquency phenomena in a developing society. The present research ...
Engaging students beyond theory goes a long way in making them understand concepts and gives them clarity. Our classroom goes beyond the school and extends to fun field trips and market visits. Engaging with Parents Our Parent engagement programme goes beyond PTA meets. It includes feedback session...
Studies from the West suggest that significant numbers of high school students gamble, despite it being illegal in this age group. To date, there have been no studies on the prevalence of gambling among senior high school and higher secondary school students in India. This study reports point ...
Clarity for future plans: If you study abroad as a junior or senior in high school, you’re probably acutely aware of the fact that college is just around the corner. Picking a major and a direction for your life is scary and overwhelming when you’re not quite sure what you want to ...
The students, with the help of Unupathy, have saved enough money for their education. Some even decide to study art at college.It all began when Unupathy started teaching art at the high school. He realized that students from poor families were not able to buy materials (材料) to make ...
EducationUSA Bangalore and Ahmedabad will make every effort to include as many local high schools as is realistically possible on the itinerary. A school legend will be made available closer to the dates. EducationUSA centers will not be responsible for unanticipated and unscheduled closures/cancellati...