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caused co-translational misfolding of NBD1 but not TMD1 nor TMD2 in stage 1, leading to absence of stage-2 folding. Corrector drugs rescued stage 2 without rescuing NBD1. Likewise, the DxD motif in NBD1 that was identified to be required for export of CFTR...
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A notable example is Enhertu (DS-8201; T-DXd), with an exceptional DAR of nearly eight [6], [7]. On the other hand, many tumor-specific targets of ADCs are expressed at low levels. These include peptide-major histocompatibility complex (pMHC), derived from intracellular aberrant-expressed...
coatings Review Chemical and Physical Pathways for Fabricating Flexible Superamphiphobic Surfaces with High Transparency Bichitra Sahoo 1, Kukro Yoon 1 ID , Jungmok Seo 2,3,* and Taeyoon Lee 1,* ID 1 School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Korea; bi...
energies Article A High Efficiency Charging Strategy for a Supercapacitor Using a Wireless Power Transfer System Based on Inductor/Capacitor/Capacitor (LCC) Compensation Topology Yuyu Geng *, Bin Li, Zhongping Yang, Fei Lin and Hu Sun School of Electrical Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, No...
and E327A of MxChi were in the DXDXE catalytic motif of GH18. When coupled with β-N-acetylhexosaminidase (SnHex) and deacetylase (CmCBDA), the enzyme allowed one-pot extraction of GlcN from colloidal chitin and shrimp shell. The optimal condition was 37 °C, pH 8.0, and 1/3/16.5 ...
energies Article Effect of Accelerated High Temperature on Oxidation and Polymerization of Biodiesel from Vegetable Oils Jae-Kon Kim 1,*,† , Cheol-Hwan Jeon 1,†, Hyung Won Lee 2 , Young-Kwon Park 2, Kyong-il Min 1, In-ha Hwang 1 and Young-Min Kim 3,* 1 Research Institute of ...