What the hell was this supposed to be? I could barely make any sense of it all. I see most of the positive reviews have acknowledged that this film is 'strange'. I can tolerate strange, but this was just incoherent madness. Large parts of the film are just back to back scenes of po...
Jason Reynolds is a genius when it comes to creating characters who seem so real it feels like you’ve met them before. This short story about a young man getting ready for the first day of school will hit your students right in the feels. They’ll laugh, they’ll relate, and they’...
(暗黑系文)原文出处:https://www.fanfiction.net/s/1349038/1/Night-has-fallen 看到zechsnoin介绍才去看这篇原文~ 这是暗黑系贝吉塔文,全篇血腥,残酷,暴力,不喜这种风格的请跳过本文喔 本来只是做简单翻译给自己看,因此并未去询问援权,后来想着都翻译一些了,不如分享出来给大家看 如果版权有问题,再麻烦版主...