After spending awhile learning the modding for bas and modeling i started working on a Highschool DXD modpack that contains everything from the series, there's not really any models out there so all of them will be made from scratch that includes but is not limited to sacred gears, weapon...
I am the bone of my sword.(吾为所持剑之骨。)体は剣で出来ている此身为剑之骨Steel is my body,and fire is my blood.(钢铁为身,而火焰为血。)血潮は鉄で 心は硝子血潮如铁 心如琉璃I have created over a thousand blades.(手制之剑已达千余。)几たびの戦场を越えて不败纵横无数战场而不败...
High School DxD: Avec Yûki Kaji, Yôko Hikasa, Shizuka Itou, Azumi Asakura. Après s'être fait assassiné lors de son premier rendez-vous amoureux, Issei Hyodo, un pervers stupide, est ressuscité sous la forme d'un démon par Rias Gremory qui le r
Primary Assignment High School DxD Media Type 动画 Voiced By Risa Taneda, 種田梨沙, たねだ りさ Voiced By Ramona Newel, , Tags knight, leotard, turtleneck, hat, sword, hair streak, thigh-high boots, exorcist Personality Birthday February 14 Sign Aquarius ♒ Height 166cm Weight 56kg Bus...
木场佑斗是动漫作品《High School D×D》中的主要角色。 人物剧情 莉亚丝·吉蒙里的眷属恶魔,拥有神器魔剑创造,可以任意创造出魔剑。拥有极快的速度和强大的剑技,有着灰暗的过去,和一群自己相仿年龄的人被教会带走进行了一年的圣剑适应训练(其实就是被折磨了1年)。
Issei Hyoudou (兵ひょう藤どう 一いっ誠せい, Hyōdō Issei) is the main male protagonist of High School DxD. He is a third-year high school student at Kuoh Academy in Class 3-B and a member of the school's "Perverted Trio", a trio of the most perverted men in the entire student...
Freed's Japanese VA, Yoshitsugu Matsuoka, also portrayed one of the spirits of the subject of the "Holy Sword Project." Ishibumi originally had the idea for Freed to be resurrected by the use of the Holy Grail and have him merge with an Evil Dragon in order to cause destruction. But ...
Issei later helps in Gasper's training on how to use his Sacred Gear. Prior to the meeting of the Three Factions, while visiting Akeno at the shrine she used to stay at, he receives St. George's Dragon Slayer sword, Ascalon, from the Archangel Michael, and learned of Akeno's identity...
进入贴吧全吧搜索 11月11日漏签0天 highschooldxd吧 关注:136,033贴子:3,106,193 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 视频 玩乐 1 2 下一页 尾页 42回复贴,共2页 ,跳到 页确定 <返回highschooldxd吧听说这是本子王 谁有本子 来几本给我啊 只看楼主收藏回复 王之...