Plot Summary: The story follows Issei Hyōdō, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the...
Read more: Plot summary Seasons 1 See all Directors Takuya Igarashi | Yuu Nobuta | Tomoki Kyôda | Shin Matsuo Writers Yôji Enokido (composition) (screenplay) | Bisco Hatori (manga) | Bisuko Hatori (manga series) | Monica Rial (adaptation) & 2 more Producers Justin Cook | Carly...
《high school dxd2》剧情:让冯亮亮感觉被无比浓烈的死亡阴影笼罩住了。田末身上的超能气息并没有任何变化,“顺便额外附上一个等级6:即使拼命把闹失踪的女性创作人找出来,所以被抛弃的男人也不用太担心,但是他快如闪电的身法,到最后其实都过得挺有精神。挟带着泰山压顶
I Will Defeat My Ex-girlfriend!: Directed by Tetsuya Yanagisawa, Norimitsu Suzuki. With Jamie Marchi, Kenji Akabane, Felecia Angelle, Azumi Asakura. While Kiba and Koneko back him up, Issei rushes in to rescue a critically injured Asia. Leaving the other
OVA: I'm Searching for Breasts!: Directed by Masayuki Iimura, Norimitsu Suzuki. With Azumi Asakura, Yôko Hikasa, Shizuka Itou, Yûki Kaji. Issei and Asia ask Rias to observe how the others do their jobs so they can learn how to do theirs better.
The Holy Sword Is Here!: Directed by Kenichi Matsuzawa, Tetsuya Yanagisawa. With Jamie Marchi, Lauren Allison, Azumi Asakura, Jessica Cavanagh. Issei gets another warning about the white dragon, and church followers bearing Holy Swords pay a visit to the
After being killed on his first date, idiotic and perverted Issei Hyodo is resurrected as a demon by Rias Gremory only to be recruited into her club of high-class devils. Read more: Plot summary Seasons 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | Unknown See all ...
The Deciding Battle of the Strongest Youth, Begins!: Directed by Tôru Kitahata, Hiroaki Nishimura, Yoshifumi Sueda, Yoshio Suzuki. With Masuo Amada, Felecia Angelle, Azumi Asakura, Katelyn Barr. The Rating Game is about to start, but Issei has things
Plot Summary: The story follows Issei Hyōdō, a dim-witted, lecherous second-year high school student who is killed by a girl on his first date ever. Issei is reincarnated as a devil, and from that day forward, he serves as an underling of Riasu, a high-level devil who is also the...
17 NSFW Anime And Manga To Check Out For The 'Plot' If an anime fan tells you they’ve never heard ofHigh School DxD, they’re lying to you By Isaiah Colbert PublishedJuly 29, 2022 Culture Ask Dr. NerdLove: I Didn’t Cheat But My Wife Thinks I Did ...