The show is full of fan service, action-packed fight scenes, and a whole lot of comedy, making it a must-watch for any anime fan. One of the standout features of High School DxD is its impressive animation. The show is beautifully animated, and the character designs are fantastic. The...
High School DxD: Con Yûki Kaji, Yôko Hikasa, Shizuka Itou, Azumi Asakura. Dopo essere stato ucciso al suo primo appuntamento, Issei Hyodo, idiota e pervertito, viene resuscitato come demone da Rias Gremory solo per essere reclutato nel suo club di
High School DxD - UncutSeason 1 12 episodes Crunchyroll, LLC 2012 Anime English audio Unrated 1,599 After being killed by a fallen angel, Issei Hyodo is brought back to life by the gorgeous president of his high school's Occult ...
High School DxD is an incredibly infamous anime. The prevalence of both the ecchi and harem genres in the anime has fans either loving the anime or hating it.
Highschool of the Dead: Creato da Daisuke Satô. Con Jun'ichi Suwabe, Eri Kitamura, Nobuyuki Hiyama, Hitomi Harada. Gli studenti delle scuole superiori sono sopraffatti dall'inizio dell'apocalisse degli zombie.
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Watch High School DxD I Will Defeat My Ex-girlfriend!, on Crunchyroll. While Kiba and Koneko back him up, Issei rushes in to rescue a critically injured Asia. Leaving the others behind, Raynare and Issei become engaged in a duel to the death! Elsewhere,
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Watch High School DxD BorN Summer Break! Off to the Underworld!, on Crunchyroll. Summer break is coming up fast for Hyodo Issei, but all his plans are put on hold when he finds out he is to accompany Rias for her visit back home to the underworld! A new