在线看#20 [Anime Edit] AMV - (Ending 1 High School.. 10秒。28 3月 2020的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 37 — 已浏览。
key animator: ending animation / key animator / key animator: opening animation / animator: opening sequence (27 episodes, 2012-2018) Ryô Tanaka ... key animator / key animator: opening animation / animation director / animator: opening sequence (20 episodes, 2012-2015) Takeshi Kanda .....
HIGHSCHOOL DxD ENDING СтаршаяШколаДхД High School DxD 159 人观看11年前 1:45 【PV】ハイスクールD×D 原作プロモ СтаршаяШколаДхД High School DxD 103 人观看11年前 2:56 【PV】石踏一榮先生書き下ろし妄想ࠤ ...
DXD for 88 minutes. Issei could have lost against them and not against the reincarnated angels, for me Dulio could have faced Vali in a fight where he would have really exploited his Longinus capabilities to the fullest instead of ending up having a fistfight like he did with Issei. Bennu ...
High School DxD Herois setting up the final arc of the season as the Gremory Family prepares to take on the rating game against Sairaorg, but Rias and Issei are having an emotional struggle as the two begin drifting apart. Rias has been feeling more distant with Issei lately, thanks to ...
is at an abnormal level, speculating that Sirzechs may have placed all his talent and effort into the concept of “eliminating," even able to affect beings significantly stronger than himself, such as Trihexa, something that overturns the normally Raw Power-based sense of Highschool DxD. ...
I was in so much shock. Her wings were still out, and yet she was saying like she had been during our date. Our date? How did I get from going out with a girl from school, to almost being murdered by a crazed man with bird wings, and two superhuman girls beating him up. ...
(已翻译)文字预告来源:KBS官网 翻译:dreamhigh吧 彼岸花 转载请注明,谢谢合作 分享21赞 highschooldxd吧 贴吧用户_0a6e1QM 为什么dxd里棋子的翻译是女王,我觉得应该叫王后在国际象棋中地位最高的无疑是国王,只有国王才有决定胜负的权力,而女王这个称号从地位上来说和国王平起平坐,而国际象棋中“女王”的地位...
百度贴吧 聊兴趣,上贴吧 立即打开 百度贴吧内打开 继续访问 百度贴吧 聊兴趣 上贴吧 打开 chrome浏览器 继续 综合 贴 吧 人 直播 相关吧 查看更多 highschooldxd吧 关注13.7W 暗影精灵吧 MOBGAO 暗影精灵9电流声暗影精灵9日常使用不会有电流声,但是一但高负载游戏时,键盘右上角就会有明显的滋滋滋的电流声,人...
Ending 1.9千次浏览 1:04 Великийпритворщик. Опенинг /OP/ Great Pretender. Opening 6千次浏览 СтаршаяШколаДемонов 2. Эндинг // High School DxD 2. New. Ending 1.9千次浏览 8年前 34 显示点赞 分享 显示分享列表 Аниме...