thinking that the events that occurred were all just a dream. Immediately after being attacked by another fallen angel and waking up, he notices Rias naked in his room. Rias reveals to Issei her true identity as a devil and says that as a result of his death at the hands of Yuuma, sh...
High School DxD DX (Side Story)Dog God of the Fallen -SLASHDØG- (Prequel)High School DxD EX (Side Story)Shin High School DxD (Sequel) Recommendations Boku no Bungeibu ni Bitch ga Irunante Arienai (1)Jaku-chara Tomozaki-kun (1)Omae wo Onii-chan ni Shite Yarouka!? (1)Ordinary I ...
Yes. Specifically I'd have preferred it was done all at once, and then had the Death God fights afterwords. Or maybe the other way around and have the final tournament about be the end of the original DxD, so Shin starts with the Machine Gods coming in ...
1回复贴,共1页 <返回highschooldxd吧大佬求1-4季的过场图 取消只看楼主收藏回复 不想加班的Death 赤龙帝 11 送TA礼物 来自Android客户端1楼2023-05-14 12:14回复 drew 无限萌龙 13 顶 2楼2024-06-19 20:32 回复 扫二维码下载贴吧客户端 下载贴吧APP看高清直播、视频! 贴吧页面意见反馈 违规贴...
In Volume 17, Cleria's cousin, the current Rating Game Champion; Diehauser Belial, defected to Qlippoth in order to investigate the true reason for Cleria's death, as he believed that it was impossible for Cleria to make a mistake. After learning of the King Piece's existence and the...
都控 yan19900625 恶魔侯爵 8 就没有裸体控吗 Newlst 赤龙帝 11 阳子控 1日落星辰1 恶魔公爵 9 必须是 VL青烨 白龙皇 10 还有基佬吧 Death降临岁月 恶魔子爵 6 请问控黑长直的是不是走错了 leaf27sky 普通人类 1 我会说我是冲了瓦利和塞拉奥格去看的么 樱铭未沫 恶魔侯...
Due to theBiblical God, Humans are the only species able to be born withSacred Gears(even if only half-Human), however races such asFallen AngelsfromGrigorican steal them from their hosts using a special ritual, resulting in the host's death. Humans who master their Sacred Gears to some ...
After spending awhile learning the modding for bas and modeling i started working on a Highschool DXD modpack that contains everything from the series, there's not really any models out there so all of them will be made from scratch that includes but is not limited to sacred gears, weapon...
High Schoo..High School DxD (ハイスクールD×D, Haisukūru D×D) is a Japanese light novel series written by Ichiei Ishibumi
Watch High School DxD I Will Defeat My Ex-girlfriend!, on Crunchyroll. While Kiba and Koneko back him up, Issei rushes in to rescue a critically injured Asia. Leaving the others behind, Raynare and Issei become engaged in a duel to the death! Elsewhere,