High school, girl and raised hand for question, classroom and education with talking for assessment YuriArcursPeopleimages Dolly zooms into the chalkboard a high school classroom shutter2u Teenager Victim of Bullying at the High School Ilya2k High school, girl and talk with test paper, classroom an...
DOKGZ, HalisAKGZ, SemraEREN, BülentVURAL, PnarPOLAT, OuzMaedica - a Journal of Clinical MedicineTurkmen, N., Dokgoz, H., Akgoz, S., Eren, B., Vural, P., & Polat, O. (2013). Bullying among High School Students. MAEDICA, 8(2), 143-152....
Any girl can be the target of a bully, but some factors increase the likelihood that a girl will be victimized. StopBullying.gov emphasizes that children who seem different from their peers due to sexuality, family income, transferring to a new school, wearing different clothes or having differ...
Massachusetts Dept of Public HealthDiv of Adolescent and School HealthHertzMassachusetts Dept of Public HealthDiv of Adolescent and School HealthJAMA: Journal of the American Medical AssociationMcKenna, M., Hawk, E., Mullen, J., Hertz, M., 2011. Bullying among middle school and high school ...
University bully high school bullying college lecture class lesson upset African American guy male man boy student. University bully high school bullying college lecture class lesson upset African American guy male man boy suffer violence mock laughing class...
Education and Humanities Research, volume 637 2021 International Conference on Education, Language and Art (ICELA 2021) High School Cyberbullying and Adolescents' Depression in China Yihan Zhang1, *, †, Zixi Zhang2, † 1 McMaster University 2 Shandong Experimental High school *Corresponding auth...
Qingyang is located in the northwest of China. By analyzing the current situation and risk factors of bullying in junior high schools in Qingyang City, and identify relevant data for formulating prevention and control measures of bullying in western back
Two multiracial teen male high school students laughing at female black classmate. Bullying in class. Hand held 4k video. Video about student, sitting, bullying, abuse - 279921387
intimidation, and bullying occurring off school grounds, when there is a nexus between the harassment, intimidation, and bullying and the school (e.g., the harassment, intimidation, or bullying substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other stu...
Campus bullying and sense of belonging to school and campus security among junior high school students: a cross-sectional survey[J]. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 2020, 36(6): 889-894. DOI: 10.11847/zgggws1124168 Citation: Wei CHENG, Ying-yu GUAN, Yu LUO. Campus bullying and sense...