Beautiful weather, friendly people and a widely varied landscape are just a few of the reasons you should choose to spend time in Australia as a high school student. Here are some programs you can choose from. High School Exchange Individuals studying for a semester or full year in Australia...
中阅读下列文,从每所给的 A、B、C和D四个 ,选最A Sclence Alllance: lHigh School Program We are excited to announce the expansion of the Science Alliance Program to students in grades 9-12. Students can choose the topics they want to explore anthropology, astrophysics, conservation science, Ea...
A school structure that integrates Chinese and Western educational philosophies More than 70 full-time qualified and committed overseas teachers and administrators A fully levelized program in Chinese language instruction for both native speakers and second language learners ...
14. Indiana University High School 15. BYU Independent Study High School Program 16. Liberty University Online Academy 17. Texas Tech University K-12 18. University of Mississippi High School 19. Excel High School 20. Griggs International Academy 21. The Oaks Private School Online 22. James Madi...
CA-Archbishop Riordan High School 加州-主教瑞尔登高中 私立合校,传统寄宿,大学预备,天主教 175 Frida Kahlo Way San Francisco, CA 94112 已关注关注重播分享赞关闭观看更多更多退出全屏视频加载失败,请刷新页面再试刷新视...
根据Future Matters Program部分中“It is an 8-week paid summer research experience for high school students. This is a hands-on program for students interested in pursuing a career in medical research.(这是一个为高中生提供的为期8周的带薪暑期研究体验。这是一个为有兴趣从事医学研究的学生提供的...
CVCC's High School Program Career-technical programs at Cuyahog a Valley Career Center allow students flexible career paths with advanced academics to prepare them for college and the work force.Electrical Systems Each student is provided with trade-related classroom training that produces competency an...
Due to the level of training and maturity of the athlete, there will be little reason to prescribe a long drawn out training program which includes advanced techniques. The design of the program should match the level of the athlete. In this case, consideration should be given to variables ...
Applecross Senior High School是一所具有悠久历史、高学术成就和多元文化环境的公立中学。学校注重学生的全面发展,提供了丰富的教育资源和支持服务。对于希望在西澳大利亚州接受优质公立中学教育的学生来说,Applecross Senior High School无疑是一个值得考虑的选择。注:...
Newton South High School 纽顿南高中 纽顿学区,马萨诸塞州,纽顿 公立走读、男女混校、运动突出、艺术特色、STEM项目、 Niche 等级 A+、文凭年可入读(只读12年级可以获得美国高中毕业证书)、四季分明 基本信息 • 建校年份:1960 年 • 宗教背景:无宗派 • 校园面积:33 英亩 • 开设年级:9-12 • ...