In order to ensure stability it must be verified that: Equation 11 CINT > gm 2π ⋅ fZ ⋅ Vr Vout where: Equation 12 fZ = 1 2π ⋅ Cout ⋅RTOT 22/48 PM6675AS and Equation 13 Device description RTOT = ESR + RVERS Moreover, the CINT capacitor must meet the following ...
In order to ensure stability it must be verified that: Equation 11 where: CINT > gm 2π ⋅ fZ ⋅ Vr Vout Equation 12 and: fZ = 1 2π ⋅ Cout ⋅ RTOT 26/53 PM6675S Device description Equation 13 RTOT = ESR + RVESR Moreover, the CINT capacitor must meet the following ...
The process of grouping and connecting codes was interactive, and through several rounds of discussion and reorganization of the codes in NVivo, common themes and patterns in the data were discovered. Overall, the first step of our inductive data analysis resulted in 26 first-order concepts. We...
A lot of codes and standards directly adopt this model to calculate the compressive strain capacity of steel pipes εccrit, such as the guideline for design of buried steel pipeline [39], and the aseismic guidelines for pipes in India [40]. The model considers the effects of pipe diameter...