Theme parks can snap a crystal-clear picture of you on a roller coaster going 70 mph, but bank cameras can't get a clear shot of a robber standing still. Dear paranoid people who check behind their shower curtain for murderers . . . if you do find one, what's your plan? The more...
Cheers, Dallas, Denise Austin, Family Ties, Fantasy Island, Gilad, Growing Pains, Hershey’s Miniatures, Jane Fonda, Mastermind, Michael Jackson, Othello, Pac-Man, puzzle, Reeses Pieces, Richard Simmons, roller skating, rollerblading, Runts, Scrabble, tennis, Twix, Who’s the Boss | 4 Replies...
- All-time highest temperature: 117° F (Glendive on July 20, 1893) - All-time lowest temperature: -70° F (Rogers Pass on Jan.20, 1954) - All-time highest 24-hour precipitation: 11.5 inches (Springbrook on June 20, 1921) - All-time highest 24-hour snowfall: 48 inches (Millegan ...
Friends: Jim Rogers. I've lost contact with everyone. Hobbies: Frequent family gatherings, church functions, & visits with our two nephews keep us well grounded and mentally stimulated. Kids: My son Jeff works as a mechanic for a local auto repair shop, & also maintains & repairs wind mach...
The manic schedule extends to Folsom, too. He's often at work by 5:30 a.m., which allows him to leave about 12 hours later. An hour at midday is generally reserved for a bike ride or a run. "If he didn't exercise, he'd be a bear to live with," his wife said. ...