high road 是“大路,主干道”的意思,也经常比喻为“采取最积极的方式,或最有把握的方法”,以及“采取最有道德优势的方式”(a morally superior approach towards something)。 比如有人在你背后说你坏话,你可以“take the low road”,being vindictive 想办法去报复他。你也可以“take the high road”,还能怎么...
Our results support the Contingency approach in that High Road organisations are more likely to adopt HPWP and the Universal approach in that both High and Low Road organisations derive equal benefit from the implementation of HPWP. High Road organisations may be more likely to adopt HPWP ...
Our results support the Contingency approach in that High Road organisations are more likely to adopt HPWP and the Universal approach in that both High and Low Road organisations derive equal benefit from the implementation of HPWP. High Road organisations may be more likely to adopt HPWP ...
The high road Taking the ethical or moral course of action. Despite the insults, she took the high road and didn't retaliate. High-handed Using power or authority without considering others' feelings. The manager's high-handed approach caused discontent among staff. ...
"The BRI commits itself to a more balanced development approach," said the report entitled "The Belt and Road Development Studies -- A Synergy Approach to Global Development." "It does not engage in geopolitical ploys or ideological wrangling but focuses on development which is the priority of ...
Roadside safety has become an important issue of traffic management departments worldwide, and performing research on roadside safety contributes to improving the level of road safety and reducing the number of traffic accidents and fatalities. By systematically sorting a large number of relevant studies...
Zhegu Mountain highway tunnel is located in a national natural forests conservation district of high-altitude.Its bare slopes along approaching road are disharmonious with the surroundings terribly.It's necessary to revegetate on bare slopes.Taking into account gradient,height and component of the slo...
Highlighting the positive impact that China's economic recovery exerts on Ghana and Africa, Agana said it may drive more Chinese investment in the continent's infrastructure under the Belt and Road Initiative, enabling a more robust development in many sectors in Africa.■...
Overpassorelevatedroadaccesstotheapproachroadcalled "ramp". Theviaductandoverpassaredifferent.Theentranceroadand exitroadareseparated.Theycanonlygostraight.Whenthe vehiclemissestheramp,itcannotgodowntheramp.Itcan onlygodownthenextexit. Accessrampoftheoverpass,issetinaccordancewiththe ...
A new report on tourism along the route of Belt and Road Initiative is suggesting tourism resources in the Middle East, Eastern Europe, as well as Western Asia are increasingly winning the hearts of Chinese tourists. China to build integrated big data center China plans to build an integrated ...